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For this one, more information is needed Undecided I can't seem to understand what is being related here between diameter and time
These are two different techniques in question here.

For the first one on the left, proteins of each organism as separated based on their isoelectric point (pI), which is the pH at which a protein carries no net electrical charge. In this case, the gel is stained with silver, which allows visualization of the separated proteins. The purpose here seems to be to compare the protein profiles of extracts from two different types of potato cyst nematodes, G. rostochiensis and G. pallida. By running the extracts on an isoelectric focusing gel and staining it with silver, you can see the distribution of proteins based on their pI, giving insight into the differences or similarities between the two nematode species.

On the right, they're using the Western blot technique. A Western blot is used to detect specific proteins in a complex mixture. In this case, the isoelectric focused gel mentioned in Figure A is being used as a basis for a Western blot. A monoclonal antibody, MR4.8, is being used as the primary detection tool. Monoclonal antibodies are highly specific and can bind to a single protein or a small group of proteins. The purpose of this Western blot seems to be to detect the presence or absence of a specific protein (or proteins) targeted by the MR4.8 antibody within the protein profile of the nematode extracts separated on the isoelectric focusing gel.

THere's clearly a match in the midway point for G. rostochiensis.
Help! The answer is missing an explanation...
6 hours ago in Biochemistry (Biology-Related Homework Help) by Anonymous
Hi guys, I’ve got an exam and we’ve been given this beforehand. What kinda question do you think will be asked on this and any answers would be appreciated.

Figure A shows a silver stained isoelectric focusing gel of
extracts from a gravid female of potato cyst nematodes
€/g&edggg (R) and G. pallida (P). Figure B is a
Western blot of a similar isoelectric focused gel probed with
a monoclonal antibody MR4.8
Attachments: File1
6 hours ago in Cell Biology (Biology-Related Homework Help) by Anonymous
Hi guys, I’ve got an exam and we’ve been given this beforehand. What kinda question do you think will be asked since I don’t know anything about it.

Screening crop pathogenic fungi for mycoviruses
Attachments: File1
6 hours ago in Cell Biology (Biology-Related Homework Help) by Anonymous
Thank youuuuu so much for your help.
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