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chatcorn chatcorn
Posts: 8
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9 years ago
1.   Being able to roll your tongue is dominant to not being able to roll your tongue.  Smooth middle knuckles are dominant to hairy middle knuckles.  Predict the outcome between two people that are heterozygous for BOTH traits.

2.   In some species of jellyfish, red pigment is dominant to orange pigment.  Give the genotype and phenotype between a homozygous dominant jellyfish and one that is orange.

3.   Assume that in some grasses, black seeds are dominant to dark green seeds.  Predict the outcome between a heterozygous plant and a homozygous dominant one.

4.   In some species of lambs, curly fur is dominant to straight fur.  Predict the outcome between a homozygous dominant lamb and one that has straight fur.

5.   In rabbits, gray fur is dominant to white fur.  Predict the outcome between a homozygous dominant rabbit with gray fur and one that is heterozygous.

6.   In klibbers, having a blab coat is dominant to not having a blab coat.  Predict the outcome between two heterozygous blab coated klibbers. 

7.   In some species or worms, dark spots are dominant to light spots.  Predict the outcome between a worm with light spots and one that is heterozygous.

8.   In some species of raccoons long fur is dominant to short fur.  Predict the outcome between 2 heterozygous raccoons.

9.   In the Arctic fox, brown eyes are codominant with blue eyes.  If a brown eyed fox was crossed with one with blue eyes, predict the offspring.

10.   In corn plants, yellow seeds are dominant over purple seeds and smooth seeds are dominant over wrinkled seeds.  Predict the outcome between two plants heterozygous for both traits.
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9 years ago
1. You're predicting the outcomes of two heterozygous people. Let's use : T for dominant; t for recessive
K for dominant; k for recessive
You know the parents have to be TtKk.
I'm not quite sure which outcome you want. the offspring?

You're also going to use PUNNET SQUARE for all of them.

2. Red is dominant (R) Orange is recessive (r)
Homozygous means they are the same therefore RR and one that is orange so rr.
RR x rr (Use punnet square)
Outcome: 100% Hetereozygous Rr

3. Black seeds dominant (B) Green seeds recessive (b)
Heterozygous : have both alleles Bb
Homozygous dominant : BB
BB x Bb (use punnet square)
Outcome 50% Homozygous Dominant
50% Heterozygous

4.Curly fur dominant (C) Straight Hair (c)
Homozygous dominant: CC
Homozygous recessive : cc
CC x cc (use punnet square)

5. Gray Fur dominant (G) White fur recessive (g)
GG x Gg (use punnet square)

6. Blab coat  (B) No blab (b)
Bb x Bb

7. Dark Spots (D) Light Spots ( d)
Dd x dd

8. Long fur (L) short hair (l)
Ll x Ll

9. I'm a little unsure how to do.

10. Yellow seeds (Y) Purple seeds (y)
Smooth (S) Wrinkled (s)
YySs x YySs
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