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omglmfao omglmfao
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9 years ago
I'm a bio major, seeking a BS with emphasis in marine, environmental, ecology, sustainability and/or conservation. Just found out my school's sustainability emphasis focuses more on politics. What's really out there for me to do if I want to be out in the field, forestry, conservation, surveying organisms teaching, or consulting about proper eco-friendly design (like LEED)?

I'm not dreaming about talking to dolphins or anything unrealistic. I just want to know the job market for someone with the quals I'm seeking and if my major should be changed. You can be blunt. No need to sugar coat.

Thank you in advance
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9 years ago
There are government-related jobs. In the city I live in, the Zoo is subsidized by the government, and they conduct many different studies every year, including studies related to conservation biology. Biologists or other related scientists worked in many industries. About 32%, in my province, worked in professional, scientific and technical services (including biologists' firms), 23% in public administration, and 19% in health care and social assistance. They were also found in significant numbers in the manufacturing sector (7%), particularly in pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturing (4%), and in university laboratories and research departments (5%).
9 years ago
Research: Research biologists study the natural world, using the latest scientific tools and techniques in both laboratory settings and the outdoors, to understand how living systems work. Many work in exotic locations around the world, and what they discover increases our understanding of biology and may be put to practical use to find solutions to specific problems.

Health care: Biologists may develop public health campaigns to defeat illnesses such as tuberculosis, AIDS, cancer, and heart disease. Others work to prevent the spread of rare, deadly diseases, such as the now infamous Ebola virus. Veterinarians tend to sick and injured animals, and doctors, dentists, nurses, and other health care professionals maintain the general health and well being of their patients.

Environmental management and conservation: Biologists in management and conservation careers are interested in solving environmental problems and preserving the natural world for future generations. Park rangers protect state and national parks, help preserve their natural resources, and educate the general public. Zoo biologists carry out endangered species recovery programs. In addition, management and conservation biologists often work with members of a community such as landowners and special interest groups to develop and implement management plans.

Education: Life science educators enjoy working with people and encouraging them to learn new things, whether in a classroom, a research lab, the field, or a museum.
Colleges and universities: Professors and lecturers teach introductory and advanced biology courses. They may also mentor students with projects and direct research programs.

Primary and secondary schools: Teaching younger students requires a general knowledge of science and skill at working with different kinds of learners. High school teachers often specialize in biology and teach other courses of personal interest.

Science museums, zoos, aquariums, parks, and nature centers: Educators in these settings may design exhibits and educational programs, in addition to teaching special classes or leading tours and nature hikes.

Biotechnology: Biologists apply scientific principles to develop and enhance products, tools, and technological advances in fields such as agriculture, food science, and medicine.

Forensic science: Forensic biologists work with police departments and other law enforcement agencies using scientific methods to discover and process evidence that can be used to solve crimes.
Source  http://carleton.ca/biology/prospective-students/undergraduate/biology-careers/
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