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rkkovach rkkovach
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12 years ago
Hey guys, I was looking for help with the Cardiovascular Physiology Lab 6 exercises.

Activity 2
Vagus Nerve Stimulation:

3. Observe the effects of stimulation on the heartbeat trace. Allow the trace to cross the length of the monitor five times before you click Stop Stimulus.
Describe the effect of the vagus nerve stimulation on the heartbeat.

soon after you applied the stimuli, did the heart rate increase or decrease?


How do the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems work together to regulate heart rate?

Compare the following: As heart rate decreases, cardiac out___. As heart rate increases, cardiac output___.

Research has shown that in the absence of neural or hormonal influences, the SA node generates action potentials at a frequency of approx. 100 beats per min. Yet, the average heart rate is 70 beats per min. What does this tell you about the parasympathetic nervous system in relation to the sympathetic nervous system and hormones?

Activity 3
Effect of Epinephrine

What was the effect of epinephrine on the heart rate?

Does this effect mimic the effect of the sympathetic nervous system of that of the parasympathetic nervous system?

What is the heart rate when the status window reads Heart Rate Stable?

Activity 4
Effect of Pilocarpine

What was the effect of pilocarpine on heart rate?

what is the heart rate when the status window reads Heart Rate Stable?

Activity 5
 Effect of Atropine

What was the effect of atropine on heart rate?

What is the heart rate when the status window reads Hear rate Stable?

Activity 6
Effect of Digitalis

What was the effect of digitalis on heart rate?

What is the heart rate when the window reads Heart Rate Stable?

Why might digitalis be used on a patient with such a condition?

Activity 7
Effect of temperature

What was the effect of temperature on the frogs heart rate?

Activity 8
Effect of Ions

What was the effect of calcium ions on hear rate?


Where in a heart cell is calcium normally found?

what was the effect of sodium ions on heart rate?


where in a heart cell is sodium normally found?

what was the effect of potassium ions on heart rate?


where in a heart cell is potassium normally found?

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4 Replies

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12 years ago
Activity 7: Assessing the Effect of Epinephrine

4. 80 bpm

- Epinephrine increases the heart rate and force of contraction.
- Epinephrine mimics the effects of the sympathetic nervous system.
12 years ago
If you could number your question I will be more than happy to give you the answers, I just finished this, but it is rather hard to follow with no number of the questions
12 years ago
Ex 6
Activity 1: Recording Baseline Frog Heart Activity (p. 75)
2. 62 bpm

Activity 2: Investigating the Refractory Period of Cardiac Muscle (pp. 75–76)
3. It is possible to induce an extrasystole in the relaxation part of the cardiac cycle.
4. The heart can not be tetanized by multiple stimuli.
Tetanization would make the heart ineffective as a pump.
Activity 3: Examining the Effect of Vagus Nerve Stimulation (p. 76)
5. Vagal stimulation initially decreased heart rate and force of contraction, and then caused
the heart beat to stop for a brief period before returning to a relatively normal contraction
state after vagal escape initiates.

Activity 4: Assessing the Effect of Temperature (pp. 76–77)
2. Cold Ringer’s solution decreased heart rate.
(Various answers depending on students’ predictions.)
5. Warm Ringer’s solution increased heart rate.
51 bpm at 5° C; 70 bpm at 32° C
Increasing the temperature causes an increase in heart rate.

Activity 5: Assessing the Effect of Pilocarpine (pp. 77–78)
5. 46 bpm
Pilocarpine mimics vagal stimulation and slows the heart.

Activity 6: Assessing the Effect of Atropine (p. 78)
4. 71 bpm
The heart rate should increase.
When atropine blocks the effect of acetylcholine, the effect is to allow the sympathetic
neurotransmitter to bind to cardiac muscle tissue, thus increasing heart rate.
Atropine and pilocarpine are antagonistic in their action.

Activity 7: Assessing the Effect of Epinephrine (p. 78)
4. 80 bpm
Epinephrine increases the heart rate and force of contraction.
Epinephrine mimics the effects of the sympathetic nervous system.

Activity 8: Assessing the Effect of Digitalis (p. 78)
4. 42 bpm
Digitalis slows and steadies the heart.

Activity 9: Assessing the Effect of Various Ions (p. 79)
6. Calcium increases the strength of contraction; probably induces spasticity.
• The heart rate does not stabilize until 23°C Ringers solution is applied.
• The heartbeat is irregular, speeding up at times, slowing down at others.
Sodium decreases the strength and rate of contraction.
• The heart rate does not stabilize until 23°C Ringers solution is applied.
• The heartbeat is irregular, speeding up at times, slowing down at others.
Potassium weakens cardiac contractions.
• The heart rate does not stabilize until 23°C Ringers solution is applied.
• The heartbeat decreases considerably at first, then becomes erratic—alternately
speeding up and slowing down.
Yes, all three ions may induce arrhythmias.

These answer should help u answer the review sheet as the questions from the review sheet come from the activities if not please state the specific questions from the review sheet that u need answers to.

Slight Smile
12 years ago Edited: 12 years ago, KaitW
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