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caddy85r caddy85r
Posts: 10
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11 years ago
Question 1 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
In plants, cytokinesis occurs with the formation of:   

   A. Asters and centrioles   

   B. A cleavage furrow in the cytoplasm   

   C. A cleavage furrow in the cell wall   
   D. A cleavage furrow in the nuclear membrane   
   E.  A cell plate   
Answer Key: E
Feedback: Good Job!
Question 2 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
 A geneticist is studying the genetic makeup of a baby and discovers that part of chromosome five has a piece missing. The baby is suffering from: 
   A. Turner syndrome   
   B. Edward syndrome   
   C. Cri du Chat syndrome

   D Down syndrome   

   E. Klinefelter syndrome   
Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good Job!
Question 3 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which sequence in the cell cycle is correct? 
   A. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase   
   B. Interphase, metaphase, prophase, anaphase   
   C.  Prophase, metaphase, interphase, telophase   
   D.  Metaphase, anaphase, prophase, telophase   
   E. Anaphase, interphase, telophase, prophase   
Answer Key: A
Feedback: Good Job!
Question 4 of 30   0.0/ 3.33 Points
If a diploid parent cell undergoes mitosis, then afterwards there will be: 
   A. two diploid daughter cells   
   B. two haploid daughter cells   
   C. four haploid daughter cells   
   D. e haploid daughter cell and one diploid daughter cell   
   E. four diploid daughter cells   
Answer Key: A
Feedback: Following mitosis, daughter cells have the same chromosome count as the parent cell

Question 5 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Meiosis results in a change in chromosome number indicated by: 
   A. 2n to 2n in diploid organisms, n to n in haploid organism   
   B. 2n to 2n   
   C. N to 2n   
 D. N to n   
   E. 2n to n   
Answer Key: E
Feedback: Good Job!
Part 2 of 8 -    16.65/ 16.65 Points

Question 6 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following is not true about viruses?

   A. They can cause disease.    

   B. They are prokaryotic    

   C. They are parasitic.    

   D. They can have RNA or DNA.    

   E. They are noncellular.    

Answer Key: B
Feedback: Good job!
Question 7 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following is not a beneficial role that bacteria play?


   A. They produce antibiotics.    

   B. They produce oxygen.    

   C. They are decomposers.    

   D. They can be used in gene therapy.    

   E. They function as bioremediators.    

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Good job!
Question 8 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following groups of organisms would be used in gene therapy?


   A. Archaea    

   B. Bacteria    

   C. Protists    

   D. Viruses    

   E. Fungi    

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Good job!
Question 9 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
The capsid of a virus is composed of


   A. cellulose.    

   B. lipid.    

   C. DNA.    

   D. RNA.    

   E. protein.    

Answer Key: E
Feedback: Good job!
Question 10 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Viruses reproduce by


   A. using the metabolic machinery of the host cell.    

   B. binary fission.    

   C. conjugation.   

   D. exchanging gametes.    

   E. exchanging genes.    

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Good job!

Part 3 of 8 -    16.65/ 16.65 Points

Question 11 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
A biologist is studying protists that have a calcium carbonate shell with holes so pseudopods can extend outward. Based on this information you would conclude that he or she is studying which of the following?


   A. Diatoms    

   B. Apicomplexans    

   C. Amoeboids    

   D. Foraminiferans    

   E. Radiolarians    

Answer Key: D
Feedback: Good job!
Question 12 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following statements about the origin of eukaryotic cells is not true?


   A. The chloroplast came from aerobic bacteria.    

   B. The chloroplast came from cyanobacteria.    

   C. The mitochondria came from aerobic bacteria.    

   D. Eukaryotic cells evolved from prokaryotes.    

   E. Eukaryotic cells are the product of endosymbiosis.    

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Good job!
Question 13 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
All diseases caused by protozoans must be transmitted by a vector.



Answer Key: False
Feedback: Good job!
Question 14 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
A biologist is studying a multinucleated, cytoplasmic mass of cells which creeps along, phagocytiizing plant material as it moves. Based on this information you would conclude that he or she is studying which of the following?


   A. Water molds    

   B. Cellular slime molds    

   C. Plasmodial slime molds    

   D. Amoeboids    

   E. Radiolarians    

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!
Question 15 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following is a sexually transmitted disease?


   A. Trichchomonas    

   B. Euglena    

   C. Trypanosoma    

   D. Giardia    

   E. Paramecium    

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Good job!

Part 4 of 8 -    13.32/ 16.65 Points

Question 16 of 30   0.0/ 3.33 Points
If you were studying the geologic period when the majority of today's coal was produced, you would be studying which of the following?


   A. The Devonian    

   B. The Silurian    

   C. The Carboniferous    

   D. The Cretaceous    

   E. The Jurassic    

Answer Key: C
Feedback: During the Carboniferous period, a great swamp forest encompassed what is now northern Europe, the Ukraine, and the Appalachian Mountains in the United States. The amount of biomass in a Carboniferous forest was enormous, and occasionally the swampy water rose and the trees fell. Submerged trees do not decompose well, and their partially decayed remains became covered by sediment that sometimes changed to sedimentary rock. Sedimentary rock applied pressure, and the organic material then became coal, a fossil fuel. This process continued for millions of years, resulting in immense deposits of coal.
Question 17 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following is a major trait which allowed plants to move onto and adapt to dry land?


   A. Sporophyte dominance    

   B. The development of spores    

   C. Gametophyte dominance    

   D. The development of the flower    

   E. The development of a protected embryo    

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Good job!
Question 18 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following is not an example of a carnivorous plant?


   A. The bladderworts    

   B. The horsetail    

   C. The yellow trumpet plant    

   D. The sundew plant    

   E. The venus flytrap    

Answer Key: B
Feedback: Good job!
Question 19 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following features is not an adaptation that plants had to make to move onto dry land?


   A. A dominant gametophyte    

   B. Stomata for gas exchange    

   C. A dominant sporophyte    

   D. Water conservation mechanisms    

   E. Vascular tissue    

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Good job!
Question 20 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following are not considered to be gymnosperms?


   A. Cycads    

   B. Horsetails    

   C. Gnetophytes    

   D. Ginkgoes    

   E. Conifers    

Answer Key: B
Feedback: Good job!

Part 5 of 8 -    6.66/ 6.66 Points

Question 21 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
In the lab exercise cancerous tissue was compared to normal tissue by doing which of the following?


   A. Counting the number of cells in each phase of the cell cycle.   

   B. Comparing the color of the normal cells to that of the cancer cells.   

   C. Calculating the time for a cell to divide.   

   D. Calculating and comparing the area the cells occupied.   

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Good job!
Question 22 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
To calculate the number of cells that are undergoing mitosis, you must determine …


   A. the sum of cells in prophase, metaphase, anaphase and teleophase   

   B. the sum of cells in interphase minus those in prophase   

   C. the sum of cells in prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telephase minus those in interphase   

   D. the sum of the cells in anaphase and telophase   

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Good job!

Part 6 of 8 -    6.66/ 9.99 Points

Question 23 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Cancer cells without a regulated cell cycle tend to do which of the following?


   A. Become increasingly smaller with each division   

   B. Divide at a slower rate   

   C. Grow and divide indefinitely   

   D. Fail to proceed through the phases of mitosis in order   

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!
Question 24 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following does not occur during prophase?


   A. The nucleolus disappears as the spindle appears   

   B. The nuclear envelope fragments   

   C. Homologues align along the cell’s equator    

   D. None of the above   

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!
Question 25 of 30   0.0/ 3.33 Points
Which of the following does not occur during interphase?


   A. DNA replication   

   B. DNA synthesis   

   C. Cell division   

   D. None of the above   

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Cell division occurs in prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

Part 7 of 8 -    6.66/ 9.99 Points

Question 26 of 30   0.0/ 3.33 Points
Most of the normal and cancerous cells were?


   A. Not dividing   

   B. In prophase   

   C. Dividing   

   D. In anaphase   

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Based on data collected, most cells were in interphase and hence not dividing.
Question 27 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
The cancerous tissues ranked by mitotic index in order from lowest to highest are:


   A. Ovary, lung, stomach   

   B. Stomach, lung, ovary   

   C. Lung, stomach, ovary   

   D. Ovary, stomach, lung   

Answer Key: C
Feedback: Good job!
Question 28 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Cancerous cells are said to have a cell cycle that is “deregulated,” or different than a normal cell cycle. What is the most evident sign of this deregulation?


   A. Cancerous cells divide more often   

   B. Cancerous cells spend more time in interphase   

   C. Cancerous cells divide at the same rate as normal cells   

   D. Cancerous cells divide more slowly than normal cells   

Answer Key: A
Feedback: Good job!

Part 8 of 8 -    6.67/ 6.66 Points

Question 29 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
List and explain two risk factors for ovarian cancer.

woman who have had breast cancer, risk increases with age and certain genetic disorders increase risk

Model Short Answer: 1. Risk increases with age.
2. Women who have not had children are at a greater risk than women who have had children.
3. Women who have had breast cancer are at a greater risk.
4. Women who have a family history of ovarian cancer are at greater risk.
5. Certain rare genetic disorders are associated with greater risk.
Question 30 of 30   3.33/ 3.33 Points
Based on the results from the lab, would you expect to see a difference in the rate of cell division in cancerous skin tissue compared to normal skin tissue? Why or why not?

yes you would see a difference in cancerous skin tissue bc it develops faster and they have unique charactertics

Model Short Answer: Yes, because cancerous tissue has a higher mitotic index than normal tissue.
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11 years ago
Awesome. Thanks!
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