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Dick Trickle Dick Trickle
Posts: 2
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11 years ago
Looks like we have a shortage of Mader Quiz 6 here, so here is my contributions to this great site. Enjoy!

Question 1 of 30   
If you were looking through a microscope at epithelial tissue which appeared to be layered but all the cells touch the basement membrane, you would be looking at:
A. Cuboidal epithelium   
B. Stratified epithelium   
C. Squamous epithelium   
D. Pseudostratified epithelium   
E. Simple columnar epithelium   
Feedback: When an epithelium is pseudostratified, it appears to be layered, but true layers do not exist because each cell touches the baseline.

Question 2 of 30   
Glands are primarily made of connective tissue.
Feedback: Good job!

Question 3 of 30   
Where in the human body would you expect to find smooth muscle?
A. The digestive system   
B. Associated with tendons   
C. In the heart
D. Associated with nerves   
E. Attached to bones   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 4 of 30   
A doctor is studying a type of tissue which forms the external and internal lining of many organs and covers the surface of the body. Based on this information, you would conclude that he or she is studying this type of tissue:
A. Nervous   
B. Muscular   
C. Epithelial   
D. Excretory   
E. Connective   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 5 of 30   
Which of the following is not a basic function of the skin?
A. It prevents water loss   
B. It provides sensory input   
C. It helps the animal obtain energy   
D. It protects from pathogen infection   
E. It protects from physical trauma   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 6 of 30   
A biologist is studying the transmission of information between two neurons. Based on this information you would conclude that he or she is studying:
A. Integration   
B. Neurotransmitters   
C. Depolarization   
D. Saltatory conduction   
E. Action potentials   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 7 of 30   
When the action potential "jumps" from node to node, thus increasing the speed of the nerve impulses, it is referred to as:
A. Refractory conduction   
B. Saltatory conduction   
C. Depolarization conduction   
D. Synapse conduction   
E. Repolarization conduction   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 8 of 30   
In higher vertebrates, control of sleep is chiefly governed by which part of the brain?
A. Cerebellum   
B. Medulla oblongata   
C. Pons   
D. Hippocampus   
E. Hypothalamus   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 9 of 30   
The outer portion of the spinal cord which acts as a superhighway by continuously passing information between the brain and the rest of the body is referred to as:
A. The thalamus   
B. White matter   
C. The corpus callosum   
D. Gray matter   
E. The meninges   
Feedback: A cross section of the spinal cord reveals that it is composed of a central portion of gray matter and a peripheral region of white matter. Myelinated long fibers of interneurons that run together in bundles called tracts give white matter its color. These tracts connect the spinal cord to the brain. Like a busy superhighway, these tracts continuously pass information between the brain and the rest of the body.

Question 10 of 30   
The part of the brain which determines when a situation calls for fear would be:
A. The hypothalamus   
B. The amygdala   
C. The pons   
D. The medulla oblongata   
E. The thalamus   
Feedback: The amygdala adds emotional overtones to memories. For example, the smell of smoke not only warns us that the hotel is on fire, but also creates great anxiety.

Question 11 of 30   
The bones of the ear:
A. Respond to changes in the position of the head   
B. Are connected to the tectorial membrane and oval window   
C. Are directly connected to the auditory nerve   
D. Are named the malleus, incus, and otolith   
E. Transmit sound waves   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 12 of 30   
Which of the following receptors are located in the hypothalamus and the skin?
A. Chemoreceptors   
B. Thermoreceptors   
C. Nociceptors   
D. Mechanoreceptors   
E. Electromagnetic receptors   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 13 of 30   
The sensory receptor for hearing would be classified as which of these?
A. A nociceptor   
B. A mechanoreceptor   
C. A chemoreceptor   
D. A thermorecpetor   
E. An electromagnetic receptor   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 14 of 30
If you were studying cells which are responsible for seeing in dim light you would be studying which of the following?
A. Choroid cells   
B. Cone cells   
C. Bipolar cells   
D. Ganglion cells   
E. Rod cells   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 15 of 30
If you were studying the part of the ear which is responsible for balance you would be studying which of the following?
A. The cochlear nerve   
B. The semicircular canals   
C. The malleus   
D. The cochlea   
E. The auditory ossicles   
Feedback: Good job!
Question 16 of 30
A biologist is studying the condition in muscles when there is a sustained muscular contraction. Based on this information you would conclude that he or she is studying which of the following?
A. Tetanus   
B. Latency   
C. Relaxation   
D. Fatigue   
E. Summation   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 17 of 30   
Which of the following joints would be immovable?
A. A suture between two cranial bones   
B. The pubic symphysis   
C. The knee   
D. The hip   
E. The joints between vertebrae   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 18 of 30   
The knee is an example of a(n):
A. Hinge joint   
B. Immovable joint   
C. Ball-and-socket joint   
D. Fibrous joint   
E. Cartilaginous joint   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 19 of 30   
Which of the following is true about skeletal muscles?
A. They produce blood cells   
B. They are found in and about internal organs   
C. They work in antagonistic pairs   
D. They have the same origin and insertion point   
E. They get longer when they contract   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 20 of 30   
At the base of the skull, the spinal cord passes upward through a large opening called the:
A. Intervertebral opening   
B. Foramen magnum   
C. Vertebral column   
D. Articular canal   
E. Synovial opening   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 21 of 30   
What was the range of voltage of the stimulus that could be created by the oscilloscope?
A. 0.0 – 3.0 volts   
B. 0.0 – 5.0 volts   
C. 0.0 – 15.0 volts   
D. 0.0 – 10.0 volts   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 22 of 30   
Which of the following is not an objective of this lab simulation?
A. Comparing the points of muscle overload among different types of skeletal muscle   
B. Measuring the threshold of stimulation for a type of skeletal muscle under different workloads   
C. Comparing the threshold of stimulation under different workloads for different types of skeletal muscle   
D. Measuring the strength of contraction of the different skeletal muscles under different workloads.   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 23 of 30   
What type(s) of muscle are considered voluntary? (Select all that apply.)
A. Skeletal   
 B. Cardiac   
 C. Smooth   
 D. Sensory   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 24 of 30
The threshold of stimulation can vary according to which of the following?
A. Whether the muscle is positioned horizontally or vertically   
B. The length of time the muscle is stimulated   
C. The type of skeletal muscle being tested   
D. The brand of oscilloscope used   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 25 of 30   
Why are cardiac and smooth muscles called “involuntary”?
A. Their contraction cannot be consciously controlled.   
B. Their placement in the body is not centrally controlled.   
C. They contract differently each time they are stimulated.   
D. Their structure develops randomly during growth.   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 26 of 30   
In the simulation which muscle type exhibited the lowest threshold of stimulation under 0, 5, and 10 gram workloads?
A. Thigh   
B. Calf   
C. Upper forelimb   
D. Lower forelimb   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 27 of 30   
Let’s say you measured a particular muscle with a workload of 10 grams and found that it would contract when stimulated with 10.0 volts. Then you determined that the same muscle would not contract with the same stimulus with a workload of 20 grams. What is the muscle’s point of overload?

A. 5.0 volts   
B. 20 grams   
C. 10 grams   
D. 10.0 volts   
Feedback: Good job!

Question 28 of 30   
Stimulus voltages above threshold produced increasingly _________ spikes on the oscilloscope screen.
A. Taller   
B. Flatter   
C. Lower   
D. Broader   
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