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sholland90 sholland90
12 years ago
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How might the Reconstruction Period have been different if Lincoln had lived to serve out his term?
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9 Replies
12 years ago
If Lincoln had survived and was able to serve a second term as president, then the Reconstruction would have been much less radical. Sherman did not have Lincoln’s compassion for slaves or his forgiveness of Southerners. Therefore, if Lincoln had survived for a second term, he wouldn’t have been so hard on the South (something that the radical republicans opposed). Lincoln would have been focused on reuniting the country, by letting states in and requiring black suffrage and making them promise to maintain loyal to the union.
12 years ago
If President Abe Lincoln had not have been assassinated it would have greatly affected the reconstruction process. Lincoln was supported by the end of the war and would have most likely won a reelection. Abe wouldn’t have been as harsh on the southern states. He would have done more to help the economy of the south. This would have prevented southerners from getting angry and starting “anti-negro” groups such as the KKK. Black would have been able to vote and hold office without fear and black codes wouldn’t have been passed.
12 years ago
Many things would have changed if Lincoln had not been assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. Reconstruction would have been changed drastically. First of all, Lincoln would have been a lot nicer to the south. Andrew Johnson punished the south unlike Lincoln would have. If Lincoln was still alive then there would have been a lot less racism in the south because nobody would feel remorse towards the government. He would have done more to help the south recover from the Civil War. It might have even prevented racist and white-supremacists like the KKK and other groups. Reconstruction would have gone much more smoothly if Lincoln had not been assassinated.
12 years ago
If Lincoln had not been killed by John Wilkes Booth, reconstruction would have never been the same. Lincoln would have not punish the south as Johnson did. He also would have probably been re-elected for a second term. He would have done more to help the south which would have most likely stopped them from making groups such as the KKK. He would have focused much attention of the reunion of the north and south.
12 years ago
Many things would have changed if Lincoln had not been assassinated by John Wilkes Booth. Reconstruction would have been changed drastically. First of all, Lincoln would have been a lot nicer to the south. Andrew Johnson punished the south unlike Lincoln would have. If Lincoln was still alive then there would have been a lot less racism in the south because nobody would feel remorse towards the government. He would have done more to help the south recover from the Civil War. It might have even prevented racist and white-supremacists like the Ku Klux Klan and other groups. Reconstruction would have gone much more smoothly if Lincoln had not been assassinated.
12 years ago
Many things would have been different with Reconstruction if Lincoln had not been assassinated by John Wilkes Booth on April 15, 1865. He would have been reelected for a second term of presidency and handled the country very differently from Johnson. Lincoln would have been a lot nicer and involved in helping out the South which could have prevented the extreme racism and ideas of white-supremacy which drove groups like the KKK. He would have focused on uniting the country and the ideas of everybody being created equal, which would have made Reconstruction a much greater success.
12 years ago
The entire US would have been completely different, had of Abe Lincoln not been assassinated. Due to his death, brought the harsh, no good to presidency. Johnston set a horrible tone ofr reconstruction. With the blacks now having rights and being equal to white’s, made the southerners very frustrated. Lincoln wouldn’t have been so harsh and demanding as Johnston and lee. Lincoln took in everyone’s ideas and made them as fair as possible. This would have relieved stress on the white’s and would have led them to not start the anti-black group KKK. Also making no need for black codes, less fear of being a black in the south, and not getting abused or even death.
kittie Author
12 years ago
Had Lincoln not been assassinated on April 15, 1865 things would have been extremely different. With Johnson now in lead he made drastic laws dealing witht he rights of Blacks making it so they were equal to whites. This lead to many southerner being frustrated with Johnson and soon they began to rebel. They created leagues such as the KKK. If Abe wasn’t shot i believe that he would have created an easier way to deal with equality between blacks and whites. There could have potentially been less problems and made things easier on the Blacks. Many lives could have been saved and reconstruction could have gone much smoother than it had with Johnson.
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vanessinhac Authorvanessinhac
12 years ago
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