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Questions for General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry Structures of Life, 5th Edition - Chapter (2)

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General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry Fifth Edition Karen Timberlake Chemistry and Measurements Chapter 2 1. Which of the following is a unit of mass? a) kilogram (kg) b) milliliter (mL) c) Kelvin (K) d) centimeter (cm) Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 1. Which of the following is a unit of mass? a) kilogram (kg) b) milliliter (mL) c) Kelvin (K) d) centimeter (cm) Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements a) 407 b) 12.00 c) 1.740 d) 0.0713 2. Which number contains a zero that is not significant? Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements a) 407 b) 12.00 c) 1.740 d) 0.0713 2. Which number contains a zero that is not significant? Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 3. The number of significant figures in 2.0045 L is _______. a) 1 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 3. The number of significant figures in 2.0045 L is _______. a) 1 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5 Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 4. Answer the following equation using the proper number of significant figures: 15 + 10.2 + 0.2 = a) 25 b) 25.2 c) 25.4 d) 26 Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 4. Answer the following equation using the proper number of significant figures: 15 + 10.2 + 0.2 = a) 25 b) 25.2 c) 25.4 d) 26 Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 5. Answer the following equation using the proper number of significant figures: 4.7 × 834.78 = a) 4000 b) 3923 c) 3920 d) 3900 Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 5. Answer the following equation using the proper number of significant figures: 4.7 × 834.78 = a) 4000 b) 3923 c) 3920 d) 3900 Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 6. How many grams are in 1.0 kg? a) 10 b) 100 c) 1000 d) 10 000 Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 6. How many grams are in 1.0 kg? a) 10 b) 100 c) 1000 d) 10 000 Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements a) 10 b) 100 c) 1000 d) 10 000 7. How many millimeters are in 100 cm? Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements a) 10 b) 100 c) 1000 d) 10 000 7. How many millimeters are in 100 cm? Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 8. How many hours and minutes are in 20 kiloseconds? a) 3 h, 33 min b) 33 h, 33 min c) 5 h, 33 min d) 50 h, 33 min Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 8. How many hours and minutes are in 20 kiloseconds? a) 3 h, 33 min b) 33 h, 33 min c) 5 h, 33 min d) 50 h, 33 min Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 9. How fast, in kilometers per hour, is a 65-mph speed limit? a) 550 b) 105 c) 68 d) 34 Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 9. How fast, in kilometers per hour, is a 65-mph speed limit? a) 550 b) 105 c) 68 d) 34 Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 10. A square plot of land one mile on each edge is 640 acres. Given that there are 5280 ft/mi, approximately how many feet on each edge are needed for a square, one-acre homestead? a) 100 ft b) 150 ft c) 200 ft d) 250 ft Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 10. A square plot of land one mile on each edge is 640 acres. Given that there are 5280 ft/mi, approximately how many feet on each edge are needed for a square, one-acre homestead? a) 100 ft b) 150 ft c) 200 ft d) 250 ft Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 11. If a car gets 28.00 miles per gallon of gas, what is that in kilometers per liter? a) 7.40 km/L b) 11.9 km/L c) 17.4 km/L d) 45 km/L Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 11. If a car gets 28.00 miles per gallon of gas, what is that in kilometers per liter? a) 7.40 km/L b) 11.9 km/L c) 17.4 km/L d) 45 km/L Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 12. An antibiotic dosage of 500 mg is ordered. If the antibiotic is supplied in liquid form as 250 mg in 5.0 mL, the number of milliliters (mL) given is _______. a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) 25 Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 12. An antibiotic dosage of 500 mg is ordered. If the antibiotic is supplied in liquid form as 250 mg in 5.0 mL, the number of milliliters (mL) given is _______. a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) 25 Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 13. If the density of a substance is 8 g/mL, what volume would 40 g of the substance occupy? a) 0.5 mL b) 2 mL c) 5 mL d) 20 mL Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 13. If the density of a substance is 8 g/mL, what volume would 40 g of the substance occupy? a) 0.5 mL b) 2 mL c) 5 mL d) 20 mL Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 14. A total of 0.50 lb of glass marbles is added to 425 mL of water. The water level rises to a volume of 528 mL. The density (g/mL) of the glass marbles is ______. a) 2.20 g/mL b) 3.75 g/mL c) 4.25 g/mL d) 5.00 g/mL Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 14. A total of 0.50 lb of glass marbles is added to 425 mL of water. The water level rises to a volume of 528 mL. The density (g/mL) of the glass marbles is ______. a) 2.20 g/mL b) 3.75 g/mL c) 4.25 g/mL d) 5.00 g/mL Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 15. The volume of a rock weighing 1.075 kg is 334.5 mL. What is the density of the rock? a) 3.214 × 10–3 g/mL b) 0.3112 g/mL c) 3.214 g/mL d) 311.2 g/mL Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 15. The volume of a rock weighing 1.075 kg is 334.5 mL. What is the density of the rock? a) 3.214 × 10–3 g/mL b) 0.3112 g/mL c) 3.214 g/mL d) 311.2 g/mL Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 16. What mass of mercury occupies 20.4 mL if it has a density of 13.6 g/mL? a) 0.667 g b) 1.50 g c) 27.7 g d) 277 g Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 16. What mass of mercury occupies 20.4 mL if it has a density of 13.6 g/mL? a) 0.667 g b) 1.50 g c) 27.7 g d) 277 g Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 17. What is the specific gravity of a solution that has a mass of 15.2 g and a volume of 25.0 mL? a) 0.608 g/mL b) 0.608 c) 1.64 g/mL d) 1.64 Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements 17. What is the specific gravity of a solution that has a mass of 15.2 g and a volume of 25.0 mL? a) 0.608 g/mL b) 0.608 c) 1.64 g/mL d) 1.64 Chapter 2 – Chemistry and Measurements

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