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Ramont and Niedringhaus, Comprehensive Nursing Care

Bucknell University
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Chapter 2, 2nd Edition
- 3 Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style 2012 by Education, Inc. All rights reserved. CHAPTER Comprehensive Nursing Care Revised Second Edition 2012 by Education, Inc. All rights reserved. Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles Second level Third level Fourth level Fifth level History of Nursing Contents Classroom Response System Lecture Notes Question 1 The nurse recognizes that the role of nurses has been impacted in the past by all of the following factors except Question 1 Choices Religion. War. Societal attitudes. Cost containment. Question 1 Answer Religion. War. Societal attitudes. Cost containment. Question 1 Rationale The role of the nurse has been affected by religion, war, and societal attitudes. Cost containment did not have a historical impact on the role of the nurse, although it will most certainly influence the future of nursing. Question 2 The nurse recognizes which of the following as the founder of public health nursing Question 2 Choices Barton Wald Dock Nightingale Question 2 Answer Barton Wald Dock Nightingale Question 2 Rationale Question 3 The nurse practice act provides Question 3 Choices The NCLEX-PN test plan. The scope of practice for LPNs/LVNs in individual states. Guidelines for the ethical practice of nursing. Questions to prepare for the licensing exam. Question 3 Answer The NCLEX-PN test plan. The scope of practice for LPNs/LVNs in individual states. Guidelines for the ethical practice of nursing. Questions to prepare for the licensing exam. Question 3 Rationale Each state has its own nurse practice act, which provides the scope of nursing for its jurisdiction. LPNs/LVNs are responsible for knowing the limits of practice whenever they work. Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Explain key contributions in practical/vocational nursing history. Discuss the customers, purpose, standards, and work settings of LPNs/LVNs. Identify professional organizations for the LPN/LVN and nursing students. Influences on the Development of Nursing Florence Nightingale (1820-1910) Improved standards of care Reformed hospitals Influenced public health policies First nursing theorist Established training school for nurses E E Volunteered as a nurse in the Civil War Organized the nursing services Established the American Red Cross Considered founder of public health nursing Offered trained nurses to poor NY slums Founded Henry Street Settlement and Visiting Nurse Service with Mary Brewster School nursing established as adjunct to visiting nursing M M Lavinia Dock (1858-1956) Feminist, writer, political activist, suffragist Participated in protests for passage of 19th amendment Sought legislation for nurse to control their own profession, not physician Founded precursor of NLN with Nutting and Robb Margaret Sanger (1879-1966) Founder of planned parenthood Political activist and suffragist, participated in protests for passage of 19th amendment Figure 2-9 Nurse activist Margaret Sanger, considered to be the founder of Planned Parenthood,was imprisoned for opening the first birth control information clinic in Baltimore in 1916. (Source Bettmann/CORBIS. Reprinted with permission.) Mary Breckinridge (1881-1965) Founded Frontier Nursing Service Cared for those in rural areas First midwifery training school in US Sister Elizabeth Kenny (1880-1956) Australian nurse Devised treatment for polio by stimulating and retraining affected muscles Trained nurses and physiotherapists in her method at Elizabeth Kenny Institute in Minneapolis Died before introduction of Salk vaccine Male Nurses in History First nursing school in India 250 BC admitted only men During Crusades knights provided nursing care Alexian brothers opened first hospital and school to educate men in nursing 1876 Male Nurses in History Men not allowed to serve as nurses until after the Korean War Today men have resumed their historical place in nursing Figure 2-11 Modern male nurses work side by side with their female colleagues to provide care to hospitalized clients. Promote health and wellness Prevent illness Restore health Care for the dying History of the LPN/LVN History of Nursing Click here to watch a video on the History of Nursing. Nurse Licensure Compact Mutual recognition allowing nurses to work in multiple states 23 states participating as of 11/2008 National Council of State Boards of Nursing are a good source for further information Practical and Vocational Nursing Today Practical and Vocational Nursing Today Work Settings Hospitals, homes, community agencies, HMO, skilled nursing facilities Professional Organizations for LPN/LVN National Association for Practical Nurse Education and Services (NAPNES) National Federation of Licensed Practical Nurses (NFLPN) National League for Nursing (NLN) Health Occupation Students of America (HOSA) 1994 the reference to a student or graduate practical/vocational nurse should not be referred to as LPN/LVN since they are already licensed and do not need to take the NCLEX 5

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