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The Earth Through Time Chapter 16—Life of the Cenozoic Multiple Choice Questions Select the best answer. 1. Grasses and prairies expanded during the __________Epoch. a. Eocene b. Cenozoic c. Miocene d. Pliocene e. Holocene 2. What feature about grass resulted in mammals modifying their teeth? a. Grass contains siliceous secretions b. Grass grows low to the ground c. Grass is a flowering plant d. Grass is coated with soil particles e. Both a. and d. 3. What evolutional modification did herbivorous mammals go through to escape predators on open grasslands? a. Nose became longer b. Limbs and foot bones lengthen c. Tails shortened d. Developed multiple stomachs e. None of the above 4. Which plankton type is used extensively to correlate Cenozoic rocks? a. Coccolithophores b. Dinoflagellates c. Diatoms d. Foraminifera e. None of the above 5. Which of the following is not a phytoplankton? a. Coccolithophores b. Dinoflagellates c. Diatoms d. Foraminifera e. None of the above 6. What is the name of the dominant Cenozoic reef building organism? a. Scleratinids b. Atoll c. Fringing reefs d. Rudistids e. Sea lily 7. What is it called when a reef forms around a volcanic island and only the reef remains at the surface? a. Scleratinids b. Atoll c. Fringing reefs d. Barrier e. Guyot 8. What is the cause for volcanic islands to sink? a. thermal expansion b. landslides c. thermal contraction d. meteorite impact e. volcanic eruption 9. Which of the following is one of the dominant mollusks in the Cenozoic fossil record? a. Sponge b. Starfish c. Sand dollar d. Bivalves e. Ammonite 10. Which of the following marine animals declined in abundance and diversity during the Cenozoic? a. Starfish b. Elephants c. Teleosts d. Gastropods e. Brachiopods 11. From the Florissant Fossil Beds 1,100 different species if insects and spiders have been recovered. What rock type preserved these organisms? a. Volcanic ash b. Lava flow c. Limestone d. Conglomerate e. Novaculite 12. What is the dominant fish type in the Cenozoic? a. Terebratiulids b. Cartilaginous c. Teleosts d. Pectinoids e. Veneroids 13. Cenozoic amphibians include frogs. In what time period did frogs achieve their modern appearance? a. Paleogene b. Neogene c. Triassic d. Jurassic e. Permian 14. Many reptiles became extinct at the end of the Mesozoic. Which of the following made it into the Cenozoic? a. Turtles b. Lizards c. Snakes d. Tuatara e. All of the above 15. Venomous snakes appeared during the __________________. a. Miocene Epoch b. Eocene Epoch c. Holocene Epoch d. Pleistocene Epoch e. Oligocene Epoch 16. What bone is used to show the link between birds and theropods? a. Toe b. Furcula c. Tail d. Hip e. Skull 17. The Cenozoic has a number of large flightless terrestrial birds. These birds are better represented in the fossil record because they have _____________. a. slight thin bones b. more bones c. more soft parts d. less bones e. more robust skeletons 18. Mammals have _____________ teeth. a. five b. only molars c. differential d. very long teeth e. no 19. How many bones do a vertebrate have in their neck? a. 7 b. 5 c. 6 d. 3 e. 8 . 20. Early mammals are believed to be __________. a. insect eaters b. fish eater c. larger than the dinosaurs d. deaf e. None of the above 21. Which group of mammals lay eggs? a. Marsupials b. Monotremes c. carnivores d. herbivores e. Placental 22. Which group of placental mammals spend most or all their time in the water? a. Insectivores b. Ungulates c. Ruminants d. Cetaceans e. Proboscideans 23. Marsupials and placental mammals of North and South America showed convergent evolution. However, marsupials declined after the formation of the _________________. a. Atlantic Ocean b. Panamanian land bridge c. Bering land bridge d. Antarctica e. Pacific Ocean 24. Which of the following is a montreme? a. platypus b. octopus c. possum d. raccoon e. mammoth 25. What living placental mammal is anatomically similar to the ancestor that gave rise to primates? a. Chimpanzee b. Elephant c. Tree shrew d. Beaver e. Banana slug 26. Edentate mammals are characterized by ____________________. a. the abundance of teeth b. walk of four legs c. walk on two legs d. the lack of teeth e. having claws 27. Rodents are distinguished by their _________________. a. gnawing – nibbling specialization b. size c. color d. sound e. All the above 28. Some Ice Age beavers were the size of a(n) __________________. a. alligator b. bear c. cougar d. donkey e. elephant 29. On what basis are rabbits and rodents separated? a. Size of their ears b. Fur/no fur covered tails c. Running motion d. Number of incisors e. None of the above 30. Bats are the only mammals that have achieved _________________. a. gliding b. eat fruit c. powered flight d. hang upside down e. None of the above 31. Which order of flesh eating mammal went extinct? a. Bear b. Creodonta c. Orca d. Carnivora e. Human 32. The extinct Smilodon belongs to which flesh eater group? a. Dogs b. Cats c. Horses d. Reptiles e. Amphibians 33. Carnivorous play an important role in the evolution of their prey by removing less well adapted. This reduces the likelihood that __________. a. desirable traits will be passed on to the next generation b. a species will survive c. undesirable desirable traits will be passed on to the next generation d. carnivores will survive e. None of the above 34. Which of the following belong to the Ungulates? a. Whales b. Camels c. Horses d. Elephants e. All of the above 35. Horse evolution involved which of the following traits? a. decrease in ear size b. decrease in size c. increase in size d. longer tails e. None of the above 36. Modern horses went extinct in ____________but were reintroduce by the Spanish explorers in the 1500’s. a. Spain b. Europe c. North America d. South America e. New Zealand 37. Which of the following belongs to the Proboscideans? a. Mastodons b. Whales c. Camels d. Horses e. Snakes 38. Mammoths and Mastodons had different teeth. The teeth of mammoths were adapted to _______________. a. eat twigs and branches in the forest b. eat fish c. grazing on grass d. each fruit e. All the above 39. What is the closest living relative to whales? a. Hippopotami b. Elephants c. Giraffes d. Sharks e. Snakes 40. Large mammals went extinct in North America ____________ years ago. a. 1000 b. 110,000 c. 11,000 d. 2,500 e. 200,000 Answers to Questions 1. c 11. a 21. b 31. b 2. e 12. c 22. d 32. b 3. b 13. d 23. b 33. c 4. d 14. e 24. a 34. e 5. d 15. a 25. c 35. c 6. a 16. b 26. e 36. c 7. b 17. e 27. a 37. a 8. c 18. c 28. b 38. c 9. d 19. a 29. d 39. a 10. e 20. a 30. c 40. b TEST 2 Chapter 16—Life of the Cenozoic Multiple Choice Questions 1. During Cenozoic, what was the dominant type of land plant? ferns cycads conifers angiosperms gymnosperms Ans: d Feedback: See page 507 2. The biota changed rapidly during Cenozoic after an adaptive radiation occurred near the beginning of Cenozoic. After this radiation, which of the following groups increased rapidly in diversity? carnivores reptiles mammals corals molluscs Ans: c Feedback: See page 517 and thereafter 3. Changes in the teeth of what group of animals occurred in association with the spread of the grasslands? herbivorous mammals flightless birds amphibians and reptiles marine mammals carnivorous mammals Ans: a Feedback: See page 507 4. What type of marine organism resembles a coin in size and shape and is found in the rocks used to make the Egyptian pyramids? phytoplankton nummulitic foraminifera coccolithophorids diatoms and radiolarians scleractinid corals Ans: b Feedback: See page 508 5. What type of animal was Diatryma, an Eocene predator that lived in North America, was about 2 m tall and weighed about 300 pounds? glyptodont flightless bird early horse mastodon ground sloth Ans: b Feedback: See page 517 6. Egg-laying mammals are called: marsupials. ungulates. monotremes. primates. Ans: c Feedback: See page 519 7. Which of the following is not a mollusk? ammonite clam octopus brachiopod gastropod Ans: d Feedback: See pages 511-512 8. The Pleistocene horses may have experienced extinction as a result of what factor(s)? continental rifting contagious disease global cooling human hunters both b and d Ans: e Feedback: See pages 528-529 9. In the evolution of the horse, what features were gradually lost? horns teeth ribs side toes cloven hoofs Ans: d Feedback: See pages 507 and 532 10. During Cenozoic, many species of South American marsupial were driven to extinction by the migration of competitors from the north across what feature? Tethys land bridge island chains of the Atlantic Ocean Panamanian land bridge island chains of the Pacific Ocean Bering land bridge Ans: c Feedback: See page 507 11. Mammals with hoofs, including horses, cattle, sheep, goats, deer, antelopes, camels, tapirs, and rhinos are known as: primates. marsupials. ungulates. edentates. creodonts. Ans: c Feedback: See pages 518 and 526-527 12. Mammoths and mastodonts are most closely related to which group listed below? elephants hippos horses rhinos creodonts Ans: a Feedback: See pages 534-535 13. Whales are descended from what group listed below? freshwater fish sharks hoof-bearing land dwellers related to hippos porpoises walruses Ans: c Feedback: See pages 537-539 14. What type of coral grew extensively in the warm waters of the Cenozoic oceans? rudistids tabulate coral scleractinid coral rugose coral tetracoral Ans: c Feedback: See page 509 15. What type of fish thrived during Cenozoic in marine and freshwater environments as indicated, for example, among the fossils found in the Eocene Green River Formation of Wyoming? shark cartilaginous fish ostracoderm coelacanth teleost Ans: e Feedback: See pages 512 and 515 TEST 3 Multiple-Choice Questions 1. Cretaceous rocks contain fossil evidence of the development and expansion of what type of plant? a. angiosperms c. psilophytes b. gymnosperms d. chlorophytes 2. The globigerinids and nummulitids belong to what order of marine organisms? a. radiolaria c. foraminifera b. diatom d. teleosts 3. The pyramids and other structures in ancient Egypt were constructed from marine limestones containing a. diatoms. c. foraminifers. b. radiolaria. d. acritarchs. 4. All living orders of mammals had evolved by the beginning of a. Paleocene. c. Miocene. b. Eocene. d. Oligocene. 5. Open prairie and grassland habitats coincide with the appearance of what type of mammals in the fossil record? a. carnivores c. scavengers b. herbivores d. omnivores 6. How many cervical (neck) vertebrae are typically found in modern mammals? a. five c. nine b. seven d. ten 7. Teleosts are a. amphibians. c. bony fishes. b. reptiles. d. mollusks. 8. One of the characteristics of Cenozoic avian fauna is the presence on all continents of a. large, flightless, terrestrial, flesh-eating birds. b. songbirds. c. flightless, aquatic birds. d. forest-dwelling birds. 9. During Cenozoic, marsupial mammals were found only in a. Australia and Africa. c. Australia and South America. b. Australia and India. d. Australia and North America 10. The most primitive of all living mammals lays eggs like a reptile and are called a. monotremes. c. edentates. b. marsupials. d. creodonts. 11. The name of the group of even-toed, hoofed mammals is the a. perissodactyls. c. edentates. b. monotremes. d. artiodactyls. 12. The family tree of horses presently appears to have its roots in a small herbivore from Paleocene rocks in China named a. Radinskya. c. Merychippus. b. Prorohippus. d. Equus. 13. Which of the following is not a trend in the evolution of the horse? a. increase in size c. reduction of lateral (side) toes b. decrease in length of legs d. increase in the complexity of the teeth 14. The tusks of elephants are a. modified canine teeth. c. modified molars. b. modified incisor teeth. d. enlarged nasal bones. 15. Edentate mammals (toothless) having no teeth at all, or very few would include only a. wombats. d. armadillos. b. koalas. e. bandicoots. c. phalangers. 16. Monotreme mammals would include only which one of the following? a. wombat d. kangaroo b. platypus e. armadillo c. opossum 17. The reptile group that includes lizards and snakes and are by far the most varied and numerous of living reptiles is called a. teleosts. d. ocaecilians. b. gavials. e. tuatara. c. squamates. 18. The benthonic paleotathymetric indicators that live in particular depths of water and are excellent indicators of ancient water depths are called a. scleractinids. d. coccoliths. b. rudistids. e. foraminifers. c. dinoflagellatges. 19. Cenozoic mollusk shells that look very much like those found along coastlines today would include all but a. ammonites. d. scallops. b. clams. e. oysters. c. mussels. 20. Perissodactyls (uneven toed) mammals would include all but a. rhinoceroses. d. brontotheres. b. modern horses. e. giraffe. c. tapirs. Fill in the Blank 1. Ringlike coral reefs that grow around a central lagoon are called . 2. Used for correlating strata zooplankton that occurred in incredible numbers and variety were called ___________________. 3. The primitive inarticulate brachiopod that has an exceptionally long, fleshy, muscular pedicle and gets its name from its tongue shape is called . Bony fish that evolved to the highest level of ossification and skeletal perfection are called . 5. Both lizards and snakes belong to an order of reptiles called . 6. The most primitive of all living mammals that still lays eggs in a reptilian manner is . Cetaceans who are characterized with having blubber for insulation, tail and fore-limbs modified for swimming would include ____________ and ____________. The type of evolution illustrated by the similarity between the South American marsupial Thylacosmilus and the North American sabertooth Smilodon is called evolution 9. Armadillos, tree sloths, and South American anteaters are examples of what order of mammals? . 10. By the end of Cretaceous and continuing during Paleocene, flesh-eating mammals had been split into two independent orders: carnivores with evolved larger brains and a second group that possessed relatively smaller-brained animals with shorter limbs, clawed toes, and long nails called . 11. Among mammals, more have adapted to life in the seas as the cetaceans (whales and porpoises) that are descendants from predatory, hoof-bearing land dwellers known as . 12. Ungulates is an order designation that includes elephants, mammoths, and mastodonts. They are called . 13. ________________ are mammals that nurture their young in an external pouch. 14. Two groups of periossodactyls known only from fossils are the _________________ and _________________. 15. Camels, pigs, ruminants, hippopotami, and whales have a close evolutionary relationship to ___________________. True-False 1. Flowering plants continued to expand and diversify, with the most important single occurrence being Miocene proliferation of grasses as extensive prairies. 2. Cenozoic marine mammals, such as whales and porpoises, belong to the group called Creodonta. 3. A general name for herbivorous, cud-chewing ungulates is ruminants. 4. The evolution of the camel occurred primarily in North America. 5. The development of atolls is related to either subsidence of an island or a rise in sea level. 6. Corals require shallow, warm water with large amounts of terrigenous sediment and low sunlight for photosynthesis. 7. Although the rudistid pelecypods and ammonoid cephalopods had been thriving groups during the Mesozoic, they did not survive into Cenozoic. 8. The tusks of mastodonts and elephants are elongation of the second pair of incisors. 9. Marsupials were common both in Australia and Africa during Cenozoic. 10. One of the more apparent trends in the evolution of elephants was a multiplication in the number of cross crests on the incisors. Answer Key Multiple Choice a c c d b b c a c a d a b b d b c e a e Fill Ins atolls foraminifera lingula teleosts squamata monotremes whales, dolphins convergent edentates credenta Pakicetus proboscideans marsupials brontotheres, chalicotheres Artiodactyls True/False T F T T T F T T F F RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS ACCOMPANYING SELECTED FIGURES FIGURE 16–3 (p. 508) Frustules of diatoms are composed of silica. FIGURE 16–22 (p. 520) Although they reproduce by laying eggs, monotremes have a body covering of hair. Also, the young are suckled with milk. In addition, monotremes possess the mammalian number of seven cervical vertebrae and have mammalian features of the lower jaw and ear. FIGURE 16–46 (p. 532) The sequence of figures depicts landscapes that reflect the gradually cooling climates of Cenozoic.

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