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GO! with Microsoft Word 2013 Comprehensive

University of Florida : UF
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Answer Key for Week 8
Word 2013 Chapter 8 Answer Key for Matching and Multiple Choice Matching 1. A list of variable information, such as names and addresses, that is merged with a main document to create customized form letters and labels. D. Data source 2. In a mail merge, the document that contains the text or formatting that remains constant. J. Main document 3. In a mail merge, a category—or column—of information. F. Field 4. A row of information that contains the data for one entity—for example, information about one customer. M. Record 5. A set of criteria applied to fields to display specific records. G. Filter 6. A letter with standardized wording that can be sent to many different people. H. Form letter 7. In a mail merge, a placeholder that represents specific information in the data source. L. Merge fields 8. The name and address of the recipient of the letter. I. Inside address 9. A predefined merge field that includes the recipient’s name, street address, city, state, and postal code. A. Address Block 10. The greeting line of a letter. O. Salutation 11. A phrase that is used to end a business letter. C. Complimentary closing 12. A large mailing, sorted by postal code, which is eligible for reduced postage rates. B. Bulk mail 13 A Word feature that maps predefined field names to the field names in a data source. K. Match Fields 14. A conditional Word field that allows you to determine how the merge process is completed. N. Rule 15. A single list of selected records using specified fields from a data source. E. Directory Multiple Choice 1. A Word feature that joins a data source and a main document to create a customized document is: C. mail merge 2. Characters that are used to separate text into groups are called: A. delimiters 3. A style that contains formatting characteristics that are applied only to text, such as font size and font color, is called a: A. character style 4. Characters that surround a merge field to distinguish where data will be populated in the mail merge are: B. double angle brackets 5. The predefined merge field that includes an introductory word and the recipient’s name is the: A. Greeting Line 6. Extra line spacing is inserted between the complimentary closing and signature line in a business letter to allow for: C. a handwritten signature 7. When Preview Results is turned on, you can view: C. all records 8. To see if any errors might occur during the final merge process, you can: C. simulate the merge 9. When creating envelopes using mail merge, each envelope in the final, merged document is separated by a: B. next page section break 10. An organized collection of facts related to a particular topic or purpose is called a: B. database 11. To edit a data source during the merge process, click: C. Edit Recipient List 12. When using a table template, what field displays in all the cells—except the first cell—to allow data to be propagated during the mail merge? B. <> 13. A table inserted in a cell of an existing table is called a: A. nested table 14. An address list created during the mail merge process is saved as: C. an Access file 15. A text or graphic element that displays behind document text is a: B. watermark

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