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Chapter 9 - Quiz 1 - World of Psychology, 7th

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Name _____________________________________________________________ Chapter 9 - Quick Quiz 1 1. Erikson believed that each individual progresses through a series of developmental stages that involve __________ the individual’s relationship with the social environment. a crisis in the way the individual views him- or herself. a movement from one biological source of excitation to another. new and different emerging cognitive capacities. 2. Erikson saw the major challenge of young adulthood as that of __________ a) intimacy versus isolation. b) generativity versus stagnation. c) identity versus role confusion. d) integrity versus despair. 3. In one early research study, kids of different ages were given a task and were given 30 minutes to complete that task. The research found that older kids were much better at monitoring their time and finishing within 30 minutes as compared to younger kids. This demonstrates the development of __________ during adolescence. a) metacognition b) metamemory c) formal operations d) conservation 4. According to research, teenagers who have a history of delinquent behavior have a better chance of getting on a more positive developmental track if __________ their parents give their children opportunities but do not help them get out of trouble when trouble finds them. their parents leave them alone to figure out their own path in life. their parents are restrictive and give their children no decisions to make until they have demonstrated that they can/will make right decisions. their parents monitor their activities and relationships. 5. Socially, a full-fledged “adult” __________ is 18 years old. has a driver’s license. is an individual living independently from his/her parents. is when we become a parent to a child. 6. Shalise often hears her mother referring to herself as a “Baby Boomer.” Having just taken introduction to psychology, Shalise tells her mother “You are SOOO not a baby boomer, Mom. You were born in 1967. The term “baby boomer” refers to those born between __________ 1924 and 1944. 1945 and 1960. 1963 and 1979. 1946 and 1964. 7. Divorce rates for people who cohabit before marriage __________ are higher than for couples who do not cohabit. are lower than for couples who do not cohabit. are approximately the same as for couples who do not cohabit. are lower for couples who have children before marriage. 8. The knowledge that one uses to figure out the buttons and functions of a new microwave oven is called __________ cognitive dissonance. crystallized intelligence. fluid intelligence. critical thinking. 9. According to research, which of the following individuals is most likely to be living in poverty? Gunther, who is a 67-year old widower who is originally from Germany Marta, who is a 78-years old single woman who is originally from Guatemala Bich-thuy, who is a 45-year old married woman who is originally from Thailand Grover, who is a 58-year old single man who is originally from South Africa 10. Several weeks of diagnostic tests have revealed that cancer has spread throughout Barry’s body. His physician suggested that he “take care of important matters.” Barry realizes his family’s home needs repairs, so he arranges to have that done right away. To relieve his family of the agony of planning his funeral, he has made all the arrangements. Barry tells his minister he has had a good life and just wants to make sure he provides for his family after his death. This description fits the stage Kübler-Ross called __________ a) denial. b) acceptance. c) bargaining. d) depression. Chapter 9 - Quick Quiz 1 Answer Key 1. a Explanation: Each of these developmental stages involved what Erikson called a psychosocial crisis, and the resolution of each crisis would form our adult personality. (Page 303, Factual, LO 9.1) 2. a Explanation: Erikson saw the major challenge of young adulthood as intimacy versus isolation. (Page 305, Factual, LO 9.3) 3. b Explanation: This ability to attend to one’s own surroundings and pay attention to time restraints demonstrates metamemory. (Page 309, Conceptual, LO 9.5) 4. d Explanation: When teenagers have a rocky past, they are most likely to get on the right path when their parents monitor their activities and relationships. (Page 312 Conceptual, LO 9.7) 5. c Explanation: Once we step out of the protective shadow of our parents, we can be considered a full-fledged adult. (Page 315, Conceptual, LO 9.9) 6. d Explanation: “Baby boomers” are those who were born between 1946 and 1964. (Page 317, Applied, LO 9.11) 7. a Explanation: Contrary to popular belief, cohabiting before marriage does not seem to lead to more successful marital outcomes. (Page 320, Factual, LO 9.13) 8. c Explanation: The ability to adapt ourselves to new skills demonstrates fluid intelligence. (Page 326, Applied, LO 9.15) 9. b Explanation: Elderly single women of Hispanic descent have the highest likelihood of living in poverty. (Page 328, Applied, LO 9.17) 10. b Explanation: Barry exhibits acceptance of his impending death by making his own funeral arrangements and wanting to provide for his family. (Page 330, Applied, LO 9.19)

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