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Chapter 10 Early Medieval.ppt

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1. This object found at a burial site at Sutton Hoo, England is an example of 1. (a) illumination. 2. (b) a monogram. 3. (c) animal-style design. 4. (d) cloisonné. Davies, et. al., Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition, Eighth Edition , ©2011, Education 1. Answer: 3.(c). See pages 314-318. The term animal-style derives from the use of stylized animal forms and intricate metalworking techniques to produce a unique combination of abstract and organic shapes. In this gold belt buckle, the complex interweaving of patterns almost obscures the images of eagles and interlaced snakes that cover its surface. Davies, et. al., Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition, Eighth Edition , ©2011, Education 2. Which of the following terms is NOT associated with the production of illuminated manuscripts? (a) cenotaph (b) colophon (c) codex (d) scriptoria Davies, et. al., Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition, Eighth Edition , ©2011, Education 2. Answer: 1. (a). See pages 316, as well as 318-322; 325-328; and 340-342. Cenotaph is the term for a memorial monument to honor a person buried elsewhere. Scriptoria were rooms set aside in monasteries for copying, writing and illuminating manuscripts. Codex (pl. codices) refers to an early form of binding manuscript pages together similar to a book. The term colophon refers to notes written at the end of manuscripts, indicating who wrote them, when they were written, whom they were written for, etc. Davies, et. al., Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition, Eighth Edition , ©2011, Education 3. Which of these Carolingian churches was inspired by the Church of San Vitale? 1. (a) Charlemagne’s Palace Chapel at Aachen 2. (b) Abbey Church of Saint-Riquier 3. (c) Abbey Church, Corvey 4. (d) all of the above a. b. c. Davies, et. al., Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition, Eighth Edition , ©2011, Education 3. Answer: 1.(a.) See pages 328-332. Charlemagne modeled the chapel design on San Vitale, which he had visited in Italy. The similarities of their central-plan designs is best seen in cross-sections of the two buildings. Interior images, however, show how the massive piers and vaults of the later structure created a very different effect than the otherworldly quality of San Vitale. San Vitale Palace Chapel, Aachen Davies, et. al., Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition, Eighth Edition , ©2011, Education 4. Ottonian manuscripts indicate that artists of the period developed a new interest in depicting narrative cycles of what subject? 1. (a) Adam and Eve 2. (b) the Apocalypse 3. (c) the life of the Virgin 4. (d) the life of Christ Davies, et. al., Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition, Eighth Edition , ©2011, Education 4. Answer: 4.(d). See pages 340-341. Scenes such as Jesus Washing the Feet of St. Peter became more common in illuminated manuscripts of the Ottonian period. The introduction of these visual images depicting Christ’s life was an important contribution to the field of iconography. Davies, et. al., Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition, Eighth Edition , ©2011, Education 5. The Doors of Bishop Bernard are considered the first monumental example of _______________ since antiquity. 1. (a) bronze doors 2. (b) lost-wax casting 3. (c) exterior relief sculpture 4. (d) a narrative cycle of images Davies, et. al., Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition, Eighth Edition , ©2011, Education 5. Answer: 2.(b.) The doors, which measure 16 feet, were each cast as one piece. They are also the first doors since the Early Christian period to depict stories.

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