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chapter 19 world civil

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Contributor: Mwood7997
Category: American History
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14. German Social Democratic Party and Marxist revisionists-based on Marxist theories but also competed in elections for seats in German parliament, tried to pass legislation to improve condition of working class. 15.Congress of Vienna-(1814-1815 CE) Meeting of representatives of European monarchs called to reestablish the old order after the defeat of Napoleon. 16. Klemens von Metternich and the "principle of legitimacy"-This was Austria's foreign minister who wanted a balance of power in an international equilibrium of political and military forces that would discourage aggression 17. conservatism-A political or theological orientation advocating the preservation of the best in society and opposing radical changes. 18. Concert of Europe-a series of alliances among European nations in the 19th century, devised by Prince Klemens von Metternich to prevent the outbreak of revolutions 19. liberalism- idea that people should be as free from restraint as possible; came from American and French Revolutions 20. nationalism-A sense of unity binding the people of a state together; devotion to the interests of a particular country or nation, an identification with the state and an acceptance of national goals. 21. 1848 Revolutions-revolutions in France; government was overthrown and new constitution was ratified establishing Second Republic (single legislature, 3 year terms and president); Napoleon's nephew became president and then made himself Emperor Napoleon III 22. Louis-Philippe-French king who overthrew the Bourbon dynasty in the 1830s and established a constitutional monarchy. He was overthrown on Feb 24, 1848 23. Frankfurt Assembly-German Parliament met in Frankfurt to fulfill a liberal and nationalist dream: the preparation of a constitution for a united Germany 24. Ottoman Empire-Islamic state founded by Osman in northwestern Anatolia. After the fall of the Byzantine Empire, the Ottoman Empire was based at Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) from 1453-1922. It encompassed lands in the Middle East, North Africa, the Caucasus, and eastern Europe. 25. the "Eastern Question"-In Western Europe this was the name given to the problem of what to do with the whole Polish-Turkish tract of land which stretched though Asia Minor, Syria and Palestine into Egypt - particularly as the Powers of Poland and Turkey decayed. 26. Crimean War-(1853-1856) Russian war against Ottomans for control of the Black Sea; intervention by Britain and France cause Russia to lose; Russians realize need to industrialize. 27. Florence Nightingale-English nurse remembered for her work during the Crimean War (1820-1910) 28. Piedmont-Sardinia-The most powerful of the Italian states in the 1800s, and one that led the Italian states to unify to create one Italy. 29. Camillo di Cavour-Prime minister of northern Italy; known for leading Italian unification, he was named prime minister of Sardinia in 1852. Joined Napoleon III to drive Austria out of the northern Italian provinces in 1858 30. Victor Emmanuel II-King of Piedmont, Savoy, and Sardinia. Eventually became first king of a united Italy. Led the north in Italian unification and united with Garibaldi's south in 1861. Drove the pope into the Vatican city, and eventually made Rome the capital of Italy. 31. Otto von Bismarck-Chancellor of Prussia from 1862 until 1871, when he became chancellor of Germany. A conservative nationalist, he led Prussia to victory against Austria (1866) and France (1870) and was responsible for the creation of the German Empire (714) 32. Austro-Prussian War and Franco-Prussian War-2 wars that Prussia wins that leads to German unification 33. Second German Empire-An empire in German-speaking central Europe, created by Bismarck in 1871 after the Franco-Prussian War by the union of twenty-five German states under the Hohenzollern king of Prussia 34. Queen Victoria-British queen of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries; great sense of duty and moral respect for age 35. Louis Napoleon/Napoleon III-Charles Lewis Napoleon Bonaparte; elected president of Second Republic and named himself Emperor 36. the Austro-Hungarian Ausgleich-the compact, finally concluded on Feb. 8, 1867, that regulated the relations between Austria and Hungary and established the Dual Monarchy of Austria-Hungary 37. the Dual Monarchy-Austria-Hungary, comprising the Austrian Empire and the kingdom of Hungary, especially between 1867 and 1918 38. Alexander II and serf emancipation-manifesto issued by the Russian emperor Alexander II that accompanied 17 legislative acts that freed the serfs of the Russian Empire. 39. Westernizers/Slavophiles-Russians who believed that Western ways were the key to solving Russian problems, Russians who believed that Russian ways were superior to Western ways 40. Britain's Labour Party- (1900) dedicated itself to workers' interest caused the Liberals to realize that they would have to create a program of social welfare or lose the support of the workers 41. National Insurance Act, 1911-provided benefits for workers in case of sickness and unemployment to be paid for by compulsory contributions from workers, employers, and the state 42. Emperor William II of Germany and Germany's "place in the sun"-Gave Austria-Hungary a "blank check" promising Germany's full support if war broke out between Russia and Austria-Hungary 43. Triple Alliance-Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy 44. Triple Entente-Britain, France, Russia 45. Serbia-The Ottoman province in the Balkans that rose up against Janissary control in the early 1800s. Terrorists from here triggered WWI. After World War II it became the central province of Yugoslavia.

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