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East Carolina University : ECU
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Contributor: Bokuballs
Category: Human Resources
Type: Lecture Notes
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Filename:   Rising Tide.docx (19.05 kB)
Page Count: 3
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Hurl Study Guide Discrimination: When one acts on their attitude and treats others unfairly due to their race, gender, age, etc. Prejudice: May not act on their attitude, but shares an unjust opinion on others regarding their race, gender, age, etc. Privilege: Advantages that come from being a specific race or gender, such as being white and male. Interest Theory: The theory that people may indulge in discriminatory behavior due to their desire of preserving certain powers and privileges. It’s different from prejudice because they’re not showing an unjust attitude towards others based on their opinion or beliefs, but rather their own interests. Example may be when a price of property goes down if a color buys and moves into the house next door. Institutional Discrimination: Acts of prejudice through institutions. Examples may include an African American isn’t given a position at a company because of their color, whites usually become stricken with more wealth and education than someone of color, and any form of standardized testing may unfairly prevent a person of color from success. Why does the author believe that it is wrong for members of the dominant culture to appropriate things from marginalized groups? The author believes that appropriating certain things from other cultures to be wrong because it leads to further continuing oppression instead of ending it. Some reasons why it enforces oppression is because it can glorify violent historical oppression, such as sports teams using offensive slang names for Native Americans and using old stereotyped images of Indians as mascots. Another reason why it’s wrong is because it can spread lies about marginalized cultures, such as the movie Pocahontas and how the film was completely fabricated, avoiding telling the truth that Pocahontas was really abducted and forced to marry an English man. The final reason is that it can further promote racial stereotypes, such as Katy Perry dressing up as a geisha and spreading the image of Asian women portrayed as being sexual. The author suggests to instead challenge these stereotypes and call appropriation when you see it. Be able to discuss the significance of his case, and what a guard in the prison did. This case was important because it made the supreme court rule that criminals sentenced to death may not be executed if they do not understand the reason for their execution. The guard in the prison performed an unauthorized strip search on Bryan Stevenson, an African American, and told him that his car outside was the one with the confederate bumper sticker on it. What is the connection of class to SATs or standardized scores? Children of wealthier families may be provided with paid SAT prep courses, which lower class families would not be able to afford. Schools serving higher class students, may offer PSAT, which is not usually offered to schools serving lower class students. Discuss the opportunities that children have in middle to upper-middle class families. These children are more likely to be able to attend enrichment activities, such as summer camps, music lessons, travel, while lower class children will not be able to attend these activities because their parents cannot afford to send them there. This may result in children in low income families, to receive lower math scores and reading scores, compared to their higher income counterpart. Be able to discuss two of the myths and facts (highlighted in blue) about public assistant (Myth), welfare families are large, this is false because most families on welfare usually only have 2 children, which is an average size family. 38% of children on welfare are child only recipients, as they didn’t have an eligible adult. Another myth is that the government only helps people on welfare, but, most of the taxpayer’s money is going towards subsidies for corporations, as A New York Times Study showed $80 million dollars going towards this cause. Be able to list four facts about Lincoln views or actions regarding slavery. Sent back runaway slaves to their owners. Wanted to propose that African Americans would be sent back to another country, like Haiti Only promoted ending slavery if it helped keep the union together. Said the N word without hesitation. What were some of the terrors for Africans living in the South? White men would occasionally go ballistic and would lynch a random black man. White people would beat up Africans and the blacks could not fight back, as they feared they would be punished. White people would occasionally tried blacks for crimes that they not commit, especially black males of rape. Were taught humiliating practices, so whites wouldn’t go berserk, such as taking their hat off when in the presence of white women. What did some civil activists do to help? James farmer, the leader of the nonviolent resistance, told African Americans to do whatever you were most afraid of doing in front of white people, such as trying to vote. How did the U.S steal the black hills? The U.S discovered gold on the Black Hills and ordered the Lakota people off their land. The Lakota did not want to give back their land since treaties were signed, ensuring that the Lakota had sovereignty over the hills. A war then broke out between the two, resulting in the U.S slaughtering the Lakota people, even their women and children. What role did the plague have in the theft of their land? Diseases like the bubonic plague and small pox completely ravaged the Indians who had been occupying the land. The pilgrims then came and appropriated Plymouth for themselves, as they occupied the native towns and helped themselves to the cornfields planted by natives. What really happened to Squanto? Squanto was not taught English by the pilgrims, but instead was most likely enslaved by the English as a child and learned English through his capturers. Be able to discuss three reasons why Native mascots are offensive to Indigenous peoples, specifically the “warrior” image Makes natives always look like their violent. Impacts native children, affecting their self-esteem. It’s a mockery to Native culture, as the mascots encourage stereotyping. Origins of Thanksgiving Colonists celebrated killing hundreds of Pequot men, children and women, as they ate food that was grown and harvested by the natives they had just killed. Be able to discuss the controversy and outside influences surrounding the UND hockey arena? The UND hockey team was formerly named the Fighting Sioux but was heavily encouraged to change their name. However, Ralph Englestad, a multi-millionaire and owner of a casino in Vegas, offered the UND 100 million dollars to not change the name. He also threatened to shut down all electricity to the school if they didn’t change their name. They complied, resulting in the name Fighting Sioux to be permanently engraved into the marble flooring and all over the hockey arena. Ralph was controversial because he was a well-known racist, who had dozens of Nazi memorabilia in his home, as well as hosting a party for Hitler’s birthday.

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