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Organizational Behaviour – Ch5 Ch7

University of Ottawa
Uploaded: 3 years ago
Contributor: dante_alias
Category: Management
Type: Lecture Notes
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Filename:   Organizational Behaviour – Ch5 Ch7.docx (25.65 kB)
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CHAPTER 5 – JOB SATISFACTION A pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one's job. How one feels and thinks about one's job. What are Attitudes? • Fairly stable (un)favorable evaluations of ? Specific objects, situations, people • Components: ABC's ? Affective (feel) + ? Cognitive (think) = ? Behaviour What determines job satisfaction? • Disposition ? Some people are predisposed to be more satisfied • Does the job satisfy my values? Value-Percept Theory Dissatisfaction = (V want - V have) * (V importance) Deficit? Overall Job Satisfaction EX. Overall how satisfied are you with your work? Facets of Satisfaction Pay Promotions Supervisors Coworkers Work tasks (work itself) Job Characteristics Theory Meaningfulness of work Responsibility for outcomes Knowledge of results Variety Identity Significance Autonomy Feedback • Remember psychological contracts • Mood & Emotions ? Moods and emotion differ in terms of: Length of time Whether they have a target Affective events theory Workplace events -> emotional reactions Emotional reactions -> satisfaction & behaviours Satisfaction can fluctuate on a daily basis Strains Physical (physiological) ? Dizziness ? Headaches ? Tight muscles ? Pounding heart ? Stomach distress ? Difficulty sleeping ? Shortness of breath ? Illness (e.g. colds) ? Death (karoshi) 2. Behavioural ? Accidents at work ? Performance changes ? Substance abuse ? Absenteeism & turnover ? Aggression retaliation ? Other counterproductive work behaviours 3. Burnout ? Exhaustion: § Emotional § Mental § Physical ? Cynicism ? Low self efficacy Productive stress reactions How do you manage your behaviour/calm yourself down in reactions 1. Behavioural methods Actions i. Problem focused ? Working harder ? Seeking assistance ? Acquiring additional resources ii. Emotion focused ? Engaging in alternative activities ? Seeking support ? Venting anger 2. Cognitive methods Thoughts i. Emotion focused ? Avoiding, distancing and ignoring ? Looking for the positive in the negative ? reappraising ii. Problem focused ? Strategizing ? Self motivation ? Changing priorities Reducing & Managing Stress ? Work planning Decreased/compressed work week Flextime Flexplace/telecommuting Personal Days/hours Job Sharing Part time work Health and Wellness programs CHAPTER 7 What is motivation? • Effort ? Intensity ? Persistence ? Direction ? Goals • Engagement What motivates people? • Needs ? Remember the determinants of satisfaction How to motivate? Employees need to see clear relationships between effort, performance, and desirable outcomes. Goals. To be treated fairly. Job design is a powerful motivator. Expectancy People are motivated to perform activities that they know they can accomplish and that lead to valued outcomes 3 core components 1. Expectancy ? Belief that effort -> performance 2. Instrumentality ? Belief that performance -> outcome 3. Valence ? Degree to which an outcome is valued EXTRINSIC vs. INTRINSIC Motivation Extrinsic Motivated by what my performance will lead to ® More money ® A promotion ® Praise from others ® More job security 2. Intrinsic Motivated by the work itself ® Personally meaningful work ® Work provides autonomy ® Work allows me to display my competence ® Work allows me to have impact Goal Setting • Goals are more motivating when: ? They are specific and measurable ? Time sensitive ? They are difficult - but not impossible ? People are committed to them ? Self-set goals, public statements and rewards ? People get feedback on their progress • WHAT MAKES GOALS MOTIVATING? -midterm • SMART goals Goal Setting Theory • Pitfalls of goal setting ? Goals narrow our focus • We'll be less satisfied/motivated if we believe we got less than we deserve ? Perceived Equity ? The distribution of rewards among employees · My outcomes/my inputs vs. others outcomes/others inputs · Components ? Outcomes ? Inputs ? Comparison other · Equity: ? My outcomes/my inputs = others outcomes/others inputs · Under compensation - Inequity ? My outcomes/my inputs < others outcomes/others inputs · Over compensation ? My outcomes/my inputs > others outcomes/others inputs Ways to Restore Equity · Modify ? Own I or O ? Comparison other's I or O · Change the comparison other · Leave the situation Psychological Empowerment P.228-231 Example MC Question Which scenario would likely lead to the highest increase in seasoned interior designers' motivation to do their work still? a) Being paid more than they think they deserve b) Being paid less than they think they deserve c) Being encouraged to do their best d) Explaining to them how their performance would lead to higher pay e) Being given the freedom to do their work the way they want

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