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Multiple Choice 1. A(n) is a set of instructions that a computer follows to perform a task. a. compiler b. program c. interpreter d. programming language 2. The physical devices that a computer is made of are referred to as a. hardware b. software c. the operating system d. tools 3. The part of a computer that runs programs is called a. RAM b. secondary storage c. main memory d. the CPU 4. Today, CPUs are small chips known as . a. ENIACs b. microprocessors c. memory chips d. operating systems 5. The computer stores a program while the program is running, as well as the data that the program is working with, in . a. secondary storage b. the CPU c. main memory d. the microprocessor 6. This is a volatile type of memory that is used only for temporary storage while a program is running. a. RAM b. secondary storage c. the disk drive d. the USB drive 7. A type of memory that can hold data for long periods of time—even when there is no power to the computer––is called. a. RAM b. main memory c. secondary storage d. CPU storage 8. A component that collects data from people or other devices and sends it to the computer is called. a. an output device b. an input device c. a secondary storage device d. main memory 9. A video display is a(n). a. output device b. input device c. secondary storage device d. main memory 10. A is enough memory to store a letter of the alphabet or a small number. a. byte b. bit c. switch d. transistor 11. A byte is made up of eight. a. CPUs b. instructions c. variables d. bits 12. In a(n) numbering system, all numeric values are written as sequences of 0s and 1s. a. hexadecimal b. binary c. octal d. decimal 13. A bit that is turned off represents the following value: a. 1 b.?1 c. 0 d. “no” 14. A set of 128 numeric codes that represent the English letters, various punctuation marks, and other characters is a. binary numbering b. ASCII c. Unicode d. ENIAC 15. An extensive encoding scheme that can represent the characters of many of the languages in the world is a. binary numbering b. ASCII c. Unicode d. ENIAC 16. Negative numbers are encoded using the technique. a. two’s complement b. floating-point c. ASCII d. Unicode 17. Real numbers are encoded using the technique. a. two’s complement b. floating-point c. ASCII d. Unicode 18. The tiny dots of color that digital images are composed of are called a. bits b. bytes c. color packets d. pixels 19. If you were to look at a machine language program, you would see a. Java code b. a stream of binary numbers c. English words d. circuits 20. In the part of the fetch-decode-execute cycle, the CPU determines which operation it should perform. a. fetch b. decode c. execute d. immediately after the instruction is executed 21. Computers can only execute programs that are written in a. Java b. assembly language c. machine language d. C++ 22. The translates an assembly language program to a machine language program. a. assembler b. compiler c. translator d. interpreter 23. The words that make up a high-level programming language are called. a. binary instructions b. mnemonics c. commands d. key words 24. The rules that must be followed when writing a program are called. a. syntax b. punctuation c. key words d. operators 25. A(n) program translates a high-level language program into a separate machine language program. a. assembler b. compiler c. translator d. utility TRUE or FALSE 1. Today, CPUs are huge devices made of electrical and mechanical components such as vacuum tubes and switches. FALSE 2. Main memory is also known as RAM. TRUE 3. Any piece of data that is stored in a computer’s memory must be stored as a binary number. TRUE 4. Images, like the ones you make with your digital camera, cannot be stored as binary numbers. FALSE 5. Machine language is the only language that a CPU understands. TRUE 6. Assembly language is considered a high-level language. FALSE 7. An interpreter is a program that both translates and executes the instructions in a high-level language program. TRUE 8. A syntax error does not prevent a program from being compiled and executed. FALSE 9. Windows, Mac OS, iOS, Android, and Linux are all examples of application software. FALSE 10. Word processing programs, spreadsheet programs, email programs, Web browsers, and games are all examples of utility programs. FALSE Short Answer 1. Why is the CPU the most important component in a computer? The CPU is the most important component in a computer because without it the computer will not be able to execute any instructions. The CPU is the “brain” of the computer. 2. What number does a bit that is turned on represent? What number does a bit that is turned off represent? A bit turned on is represented as “1” and when is off is represented by “0”. 3. What would you call a device that works with binary data? Any devices that works with binary data is called digital device. 4. What are the words that make up a high-level programming language called? The keywords are the words that make up a high-level programming language. 5. What are the short words that are used in assembly language called? Mnemonics represents short words used in assembly language to write code. 6. What is the difference between a compiler and an interpreter? A compiler does only translate a high-level language program into a separate machine language while an interpreter does both, translating and execution the instructions in a high-level language program. 7. What type of software controls the internal operations of the computer’s hardware? Operation system is the software that controls the internal operation of a computer’s hardware. Exercises: 1. Appendix D shows how to convert a decimal number to binary. Use the technique shown in Appendix D to convert the following decimal numbers to binary: 35495211213311 = 00001011; 65 = 01000001; 100 = 01100100; 255 = 11111111 2. Use what you’ve learned about the binary numbering system in this chapter to convert the following binary numbers to decimal: 1101 = 13; 159912013297510?00 = 8; 101011 = 43 4. Use the Web to research the history of the BASIC, C++, Java, and Python programming languages, and answer the following questions: Who was the creator of each of these languages? When was each of these languages created? Was there a specific motivation behind the creation of these languages? If so, what was it? Name BASIC C++ Java Python Creators John George Kemeny & Thomas Eugene Kurtz Bjarne Stroustrup James Gosling Guido van Rossum Creation Year 1964 1983 1991 1989 Motivation The main purpose was to create a programming language that will allow people with no science and mathematics background to use computers. The main motivation was to create an extension of C language that would be efficient and flexible as C but also would provide high-level features for program organization. The main motivation was to create a language that will allow consumer electronic devices to communicate with each other. So, the main characteristic is flexibility, it allows developers to write a code that would run on any machine. It was design with a great emphasis on code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts in fewer lines of code. As well it was created as a multi-paradigm programming language to support more than one programming paradigm.

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