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Im not understanding oscilloscope!
Im not understanding oscilloscope!
Can anyone help!! Slight Smile
General Biology   Jessyka   744   bio_man   12 years ago
SCIN130 Midterm-HELP-another question
SCIN130 Midterm-HELP-another question
Luke is a range manager who is producing forage at a rate of 1400 kg per hectare per year. Approximately how much water would such a field recycle annually from the ground to the atmosphere via the plants in order to synthesize that much biomass?
   A. 1,400,000 kg.    
   B. 14,000,000 kg.    
   C. 140,000 kg.    
   D. 14,000 kg.    
   E. 1,400 kg.
General Biology   shawnep99   611   bio_man   12 years ago
Marcy is a meteorologist concerned that rainfall may decline in a country undergoing extensive defor
Marcy is a meteorologist concerned that rainfall may decline in a country undergoing extensive defor
Marcy is a meteorologist concerned that rainfall may decline in a country undergoing extensive deforestation. Why might rainfall decline?
   A. Depletion of aquifers.    
   B. Excessive nitrogen fixation.    
   C. Reduced transpiration.    
   D. Lack of nitrogen fixation.    
   E. Pollution of groundwater.
General Biology   shawnep99   615   bio_man   12 years ago
Janak was a heavy smoker and the smoke had damaged his airway so that he had difficulty clearing dus
Janak was a heavy smoker and the smoke had damaged his airway so that he had difficulty clearing dus
Janak was a heavy smoker and the smoke had damaged his airway so that he had difficulty clearing dust from his lungs. Most likely what cellular structures were damaged in Janak’s airway?
 A. Vacuoles. 
 B. Cytoskeleton. 
 C. Cilia. 
 D. Lysosomes. 
 E. Cytoplasm. 

A defect in cell producti
General Biology   Mira8642   2528   2   bio_man   12 years ago
How cannabis causes 'cognitive chaos' in the brain
How cannabis causes 'cognitive chaos' in the brain
How cannabis causes 'cognitive chaos' in the brain

Cannabis use is associated with disturbances in concentration and memory. New research by neuroscientists at the University of Bristol, published in the Journal of Neuroscience, has found that brain activity becomes uncoordinated and inaccurate during t
News Articles and Discussion   duddy   896   2   biolove   12 years ago
Just want to wish y'all a HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!  Smiling Face with Open Mouth
Off-Topic Room   Bio_World100   951   3   biolove   12 years ago
Altruistic behaviors
Altruistic behaviors
Can anybody help me out on what exactly is Altruistic behaviors?
General Biology   oaktree   748   2   12 years ago
Need help with PhysioEx 9.0 exercise 3
Need help with PhysioEx 9.0 exercise 3
Can some answers question 3 in activity 2, the question is:
identify which of the stimulus modalities induced the largest amplitude receptor potential in the Pacinian corpuscle.

Anatomy and Physiology   hamas.irshad   900   biolove   12 years ago
Help! Final Exam for Alters and Alters
Help! Final Exam for Alters and Alters
Question 12 of 60   1.667 Points
Which of the following best describes a closed circulatory system?


   A. Oxygen is delivered through hemolymph.   

   B. oxygen is carried via a tracheal system.    

   C. It is a system prevalent in arthropods.   

   D. Blood is confined within blood vessels.   

General Biology   Blah Blah   874   Da_Capo   12 years ago
My neighbor is a 14 year old female who has been hearing voices in her head for about 4 years. She has briefly mentioned them in the passed but in a harmless way so it was never recognized. Lately she has come out saying they have been getting worse and tell her to kill herself. She has given specific examples of things they have told her. There has been no recorded schizophrenics i
Feeling sick?   spliceofslife   3799   6   Mrsbehavin   12 years ago
Explain why the graph of activity 5 differs from the radius plot in the vessel
Explain why the graph of activity 5 differs from the radius plot in the vessel
Explain why the graph of activity 5 differs from the radius plot in the vessel resistance experiment. Remember that the flow rate into the pump did not change, whereas the flow rate out of the pump varied according to your radius manipulations
General Biology   gonzalez2513   1333   2   12 years ago
Jose cultivates a variety of plants for the fabric industry and is interested in genetically engine
Jose cultivates a variety of plants for the fabric industry and is interested in genetically engine
Jose cultivates a variety of plants for the fabric industry and is interested in genetically engineering fiber cell types. What cells type would he focus upon?


   A. Parenchyma cells.   

   B. Sieve tubes.   

   C. Companion cells.   

   D. Sclerenchyma cells.   
Marcy is a meteorologist concerned that rainfa
Engineering   Mira8642   2184   hankhill   12 years ago
Really need help out on these lab questions
Really need help out on these lab questions
10. Describe the results you would expect for 1) a recombinant EGFP/pET41 plasmid and 2) a non-recombinant plasmid, for each of the following:
?A. Double digest with NcoI and NotI
?B. Single digest with NcoI
?C. Single digest with NotI
Biochemistry   spliceofslife   870   2   biolove   12 years ago
Astronomy Today, 7e - Charting the Heavens: The Foundations of Astronomy (FREE)
Astronomy Today, 7e - Charting the Heavens: The Foundations of Astronomy (FREE)
Astronomy Today, 7e (Chaisson/McMillan)
Chapter 1   Charting the Heavens: The Foundations of Astronomy

Mastering Astronomy


1) Which of the choices below correctly lists things in order from largest to smallest?
A) Local Group, Solar System, M
Test Banks   biolove   6601   12 years ago
Fredrica examined a specimen of a new plant species and noticed that it had a very thick cuticle. W
Fredrica examined a specimen of a new plant species and noticed that it had a very thick cuticle. W
Fredrica examined a specimen of a new plant species and noticed that it had a very thick cuticle.  What might this suggest?
A. The plant would not require companion cells but may have them
B. The plant was adapted to drought conditions
C. The plant was adapted to living under very wet conditions
D. The plant would be an excellent source of fiber for weaving
General Biology   lausengc   1446   4   biolove   12 years ago
If a person eats contaminated meat from a cow that suffered from mad cow disease, how might that per
If a person eats contaminated meat from a cow that suffered from mad cow disease, how might that per
If a person eats contaminated meat from a cow that suffered from mad cow disease, how might that person acquire the disease?


   A. Cow prion RNA strands are replicated in human brain cells.   

   B. Cow prion DNA strands are replicated in human nerve cells.   

   C. Cow prions convert normal human prions to abnormal forms.   
General Biology   Mira8642   830   biolove   12 years ago
Can somebody help me with this question plz?
Can somebody help me with this question plz?
Is the small intestine a simply pipe-like or does it have additional structure? If so, how is it a modified?
Anatomy and Physiology   steve_with_45   647   2   how_mendel   12 years ago
Victor inhaled some ammonia that damaged projections on his nasal lining leaving
Victor inhaled some ammonia that damaged projections on his nasal lining leaving
Question 25 of 60   1.667 Points
Victor inhaled some ammonia that damaged projections on his nasal lining leaving him unable to smell. Likely what was destroyed?


   A. Hair cells.   

   B. Papillae.   

   C. Cilia.   

   D. Epithelium.   

   E. Microvilli.   
Question 26 of 60   0.0 Points
Len ha
General Biology   Blah Blah   1009   3   bio_man   12 years ago
Consider the following model in answering the following questions.
Consider the following model in answering the following questions.
1)Consider the following model in answering the following questions.
Genotype: A1A1  A1A2  A2A2
Fitness:       1         1      1-s
a) What kind of selection does this model represent?

2)Consider the following model in answering the following questions.
Genotype:     A1A1  
Genetics and Developmental Biology   gh1991   1026   bio_man   12 years ago
Growing without cell division
Growing without cell division
Growing without cell division

This is a color-coded image of human chromosomes.

An international team of scientists, including biologists from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, may have pinpointed for
News Articles and Discussion   bio_man   551   12 years ago
What is the A-B-O system? Why is the system no longer used by forensic scientist
What is the A-B-O system? Why is the system no longer used by forensic scientist
What is the A-B-O system? Why is the system no longer used by forensic scientists?

Answer: The A-B-O system is a system for classifying blood according to general groups or types. Forensic scientists no longer use it because DNA identification has replaced the A-B-O system as the most accurate means of linking blood evidence to an individual.
Forensic Science   robertling   3239   bio_man   12 years ago
where is the peristaltic waves?
where is the peristaltic waves?
where are the peristaltic waves Smiling Face with Horns
Anatomy and Physiology   Tankdog 25   935   bio_man   12 years ago
The Most Extreme deadly snakes
The Most Extreme deadly snakes
Off-Topic Room   bio_man   969   12 years ago
Drugs inhibiting neurotransmitters
Drugs inhibiting neurotransmitters
A certain drug inhibtis the action of a neurotransmitter. This drug affects the:
a) cerebellum
b) corpus callosum
c) sympathetic nervous system
d) parasympathetic nervous system
High School Level Science   ChristinaF   1878   5   Da_Capo   12 years ago
Free Notes   mb2005   12642   22   eeverett   12 years ago
Help! Final Exam for Alters and Alters
Help! Final Exam for Alters and Alters
Question 6 of 60   1.667 Points
Which of the following would be regarded as a micronutrient?


   A. Fat.   

   B. Vitamin.   

   C. Carbohydrate.   

   D. Essential amino acid.   

   E. Nonessential amino acid.   
Question 7 of 60   1.667 Points
Claudio has an inflammatory disease of the airway, p
General Biology   Blah Blah   1661   Da_Capo   12 years ago
Answer to this problem
Answer to this problem's the chemistry problem...please tell me if you think my answer is correct:

If the human body can only withstand 70 bars of pressure and 2.0 atm's of pressure are applied per hour, how many hours will it take for the body to die?

2.0 atm's equal 2.0 bars because so I think the answer is 35 hours.  Do you agree? 
Chemistry   tlcone72   729   Da_Capo   12 years ago
saturation curve and a hill plot
saturation curve and a hill plot

pO2      YO2   
10      0.053833   
20      0.312793   
30      0.605707   
40      0.784544   
50      0.876725   
60      0.924753   
70      0.951256   
80      0.966811   
90      0.976458   
100      0.982728   

Plot the saturation curve and the Hill plot a
Biochemistry   tiger_dna   3686   3   bio_man   12 years ago
Physioex 9.0
Physioex 9.0
I have a couple questions that i can not figure out that I need help with....

1. Explain why increasing extracellular K+ reduces the net diffusion of K+ out of the neuron throught the K+ leak channels?

2. Explain why increasing extracellular K+ causes the membrane potential to change to a less negative value. How well did the results compare with your predictio
Anatomy and Physiology   ashley2009   12840   13   bio_man   12 years ago
Experimental design help please
Experimental design help please
Experimental design: Do you think it will be necessary to use a new Daphnia for each test substance? Discuss.Thank you
Zoology and Botany   NAZ   761   bio_man   12 years ago
PhysioEX 9.0 Ex 7
PhysioEX 9.0 Ex 7
 >:(It 's  been a really rough week. I have rheumatoid arthritis which flared up for midterms which are now are over but in am left in very poor shape. I'm hoping I might get some help with this lab.

1.  What lung values changed (from those of the normal patient) in the spirogram when the patient with emphysema was
selected?  Why did the
Anatomy and Physiology   ksawyerwieland   17338   7   12 years ago
Marieb cat lab Ex 29-32
Marieb cat lab Ex 29-32
One of my lab partners ripped these exercises out of my book by mistake and I have no way to retrieve them. They are exercises 29 -32 on the blood, heart, & blood vessels. I was wondering if some one could e-mail some pdfs so I can complete them.
Anatomy and Physiology   ca12   798   12 years ago
[ Slight Smile Matching: For each of the following, indicate whether the property corresponds to graded potentials, action potentials, both, or neither.
A) both graded potentials and action potentials
B) neither graded potentials nor action potentials
C) action potentials
D) graded potentials
....I just can't figure a few of these out
78) Can sum.
79) A
Biochemistry   kmuhs   858   2   12 years ago
What is a major difference between meiosis II and mitosis?
What is a major difference between meiosis II and mitosis?
I know for a fact that meiosis II is going to end up to be in haploid stage. Meiosis is also not asexual reproduction like mitosis. Meiosis II end up with 4 daughter cells with different chromosomes whereas in mitosis, only ends up with 2 daughter cells with same number of chromosomes as parent cells. Am I missing something?
Cell Biology   salazarhitler   2496   duddy   12 years ago
why do metabolic pathways have to be regulated?
why do metabolic pathways have to be regulated?
Explain why cells need to manage metabolic pathways. Why is this an evolutionary advantage?
General Biology   pocahontas11   803   duddy   12 years ago
Really need help with this Biochemistry Question.
Really need help with this Biochemistry Question.
1. Draw a labelled energy-level diagram for an endergonic reaction. Label the products, reactants, transition state, activation energy and, on the same diagram, draw the catalyzed reaction as well.
Biochemistry   livestrong136   3519   7   duddy   12 years ago
do you have any spinal cord guestions?
do you have any spinal cord guestions?
Anatomy and Physiology   lindado   504   biolove   12 years ago
What makes Mitosis and Meiosis hard?
What makes Mitosis and Meiosis hard?
2. One reason cancer cells are easier to culture than normal cells extracted from an organism is
that ________.
A. cancer cells do not need to adhere to a substratum to grow.
B. nutrient requirements for cancer cells are precisely defined.
C. cancer cells are better models for demonstrating what happens in an intact organism.
D. cancer cells grow in a more r
Cell Biology   salazarhitler   2035   5   duddy   12 years ago
Explain the effect of the flow tube radius change had on flow rate. How well did the results compare ...
Explain the effect of the flow tube radius change had on flow rate. How well did the results compare ...
1.explain the effect of the flow tube radius change had on flow rate. How well did the results compare with your prediction?
General Biology   tk   6984   duddy   12 years ago
What are 5 target proteins for activated CDKs
What are 5 target proteins for activated CDKs
List at least 5 target proteins for activated CDKs
An example of what im looking for would be:
Activated G1S CDK target proteins

Thank you
Cell Biology   element41skater   536   duddy   12 years ago
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