Title: Mr. and Mrs. Fedor are visiting Judy, a registered nurse and the diabetic educator. Mrs. Fedor is ... Post by: mayslee97 on Jan 18, 2018 Mr. and Mrs. Fedor are visiting Judy, a registered nurse and the diabetic educator. Mrs. Fedor is concerned that because her husband has diabetes, their 25-year-old daughter will also develop it. What is the nurse's best response?
A. Just because your husband has diabetes doesn't mean that your daughter will get it. B. Your daughter has an increased risk for developing diabetes because your husband has it. C. Your daughter should see an endocrinologist to prevent her from developing the disease. D. People don't usually develop type 2 diabetes until they are elderly. Title: Mr. and Mrs. Fedor are visiting Judy, a registered nurse and the diabetic educator. Mrs. Fedor is ... Post by: fdsafdsa on Jan 18, 2018 Content hidden