Title: A 30-year-old client who had an amputation of his left leg above the knee complains that he often ... Post by: larar on Jan 19, 2018 A 30-year-old client who had an amputation of his left leg above the knee complains that he often feels the presence of the absent body part. He occasionally experiences pain and an itching sensation over the amputated portion of the leg.
The client is diagnosed with phantom limb pain. What nursing measures and client teaching must the nurse employ when caring for this client? A) Explain that the condition is rare and occurs because of infections. B) Instruct the client to ask for pain medication, if needed. C) Explain that the condition does not interfere with prosthetic fitting. D) Encourage the client to place a pillow under the stump when sleeping. Title: A 30-year-old client who had an amputation of his left leg above the knee complains that he often ... Post by: joe14 on Jan 19, 2018 Content hidden