Title: During a manic episode, a patient is hyperactive, restless, and disorganized. The patient goes to ... Post by: ok117 on Jan 20, 2018 During a manic episode, a patient is hyperactive, restless, and disorganized. The patient goes to the dining room and begins to throw food and dishes. Verbal intervention is ineffective.
The patient's behavior poses a substantial risk of harm to others. Staff escorts the patient to the patient's room to dine alone. What is the rationale for this action? a. Prevent other patients from observing the behavior. b. Reduce environmental stimuli that negatively affect the patient. c. Protect the patient's biological integrity until medication takes effect. d. Reinforce limit setting, enabling the patient to learn to follow unit rules. Title: During a manic episode, a patient is hyperactive, restless, and disorganized. The patient goes to ... Post by: Niqihsa on Jan 20, 2018 Content hidden