Title: What is the most appropriate approach to drug dosing with a corticosteroid when the patient doesn't ... Post by: Chellemonia on Jan 24, 2018 What is the most appropriate approach to drug dosing with a corticosteroid when the patient doesn't have a life-threatening disease?
a. Start high and taper down if tremendous adverse effects occur. b. Start low and increase gradually until symptoms are controlled. c. Always start high, and do not taper. d. Always start low, and do not taper. Title: What is the most appropriate approach to drug dosing with a corticosteroid when the patient doesn't ... Post by: minhanh1911 on Jan 24, 2018 ANS: B
For patients whose disease is not an immediate threat to life, the dosage of a corticosteroid should be low initially and then increased gradually until symptoms are under control. Title: What is the most appropriate approach to drug dosing with a corticosteroid when the patient doesn't ... Post by: Chellemonia on Jan 24, 2018 What an excellent community, thanks for answering