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Humanities Legal Studies Topic started by: soccer97 on Jan 27, 2018

Title: Easements. Moses Webster owned a parcel of land that extended down to the Atlantic Ocean. He ...
Post by: soccer97 on Jan 27, 2018
Easements. Moses Webster owned a parcel of land that extended down to the Atlantic Ocean. He conveyed the strip of the property fronting the ocean to another party. The deed in-cluded the following statement: Reserve being had for said Moses Webster the right of way by land or water. The strip of property is now owned by Margaret Williams, and the portion re-tained by Webster now belongs to Thomas O'Neill. Williams is denying O'Neill access to the ocean. O'Neill has brought an action to establish his title to an easement over Williams's property. What should the court decide? Discuss fully.

Title: Easements. Moses Webster owned a parcel of land that extended down to the Atlantic Ocean. He ...
Post by: Macdonaldc on Jan 27, 2018
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