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Other Fields Homework Help Management Topic started by: chem1111 on Jan 30, 2018

Title: Work Breakdown Structures typically include one or more intermediate levels. Which of the following ...
Post by: chem1111 on Jan 30, 2018
Work Breakdown Structures typically include one or more intermediate levels. Which of the following statements correctly describe the nature of these intermediate levels?
 a. They generally represent items that need to be created in order to create the final deliverables.
  b. They generally represent the raw materials required to create the final deliverables.
  c. They generally represent the resource assignments to create the final deliverables.
  d. They generally represent the sequence and timing of work packages

Title: Work Breakdown Structures typically include one or more intermediate levels. Which of the following ...
Post by: apugs211 on Jan 30, 2018
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