Title: Which is a goal of the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health (NIGH) for using information and ... Post by: Desiree Mann on Feb 2, 2018 Which is a goal of the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health (NIGH) for using information and communication technology for global networking?
A) Globally unite 5 million nurses through the internet by 2020. B) Demonstrate the significance of nursing's contribution to global health. C) Provide educational and collaborative learning programs. D) Deliver nursing care using telenursing or telehealth services. Title: Which is a goal of the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health (NIGH) for using information and ... Post by: hollyhateschool on Feb 2, 2018 Ans: B
The NIGH was established in 2003 and has two goals: to globally unite 10 million nurses through the internet and through developing regional groups around the world to promote a healthier world by 2020; and to demonstrate the significance of nursing's contribution to global health. Opportunities for using information and communication technology include providing educational and collaborative learning programs and delivering nursing and health care using telenursing or telehealth services. Title: Which is a goal of the Nightingale Initiative for Global Health (NIGH) for using information and ... Post by: Desiree Mann on Feb 2, 2018 I can see it now, thanks for clarifying