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Biology-Related Homework Help Environmental and Conservation Biology Topic started by: colleen on Feb 4, 2012

Title: Deforestation poses significant risk to a number of biodiversity hotspots in the
Post by: colleen on Feb 4, 2012
Deforestation poses significant risk to a number of biodiversity hotspots in the tropics. In Canada, deforestation of the boreal forest is also very high, however there are few specific areas of concentrated biodiversity in these high-latitude forests. Does this mean that rates of deforestation are not of ecological concern in the boreal? How do you balance the need for economic development with a desire to preserve large areas of undisturbed forest?

Title: Re: Deforestation poses significant risk to a number of biodiversity hotspots in the
Post by: duddy on Feb 5, 2012
Deforestation in the boreal forest may not impact global diversity to the extent deforestation in the tropics will; however, this does not mean high rates of deforestation are not an environmental concern. At an extreme, prolonged periods of deforestation could eventually lead to loss of a large portion of the boreal, similar to effects already seen in grasslands. Additionally, because the boreal forest is both home to native species, and provides breeding grounds for a diverse array of migratory species (birds), the loss of boreal habitat may have truly global impacts. One way to balance preservation with economic development is to ensure development occurs in ways less damaging to natural processes (for example, selective timber harvesting instead of clear-cutting). This however, will require many generations of ecological research.