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Biology-Related Homework Help Nursing and Clinical Topic started by: beneruiz on Feb 5, 2018

Title: Following a tonsillectomy, a nurse should provide the patient with: 1. Ice chips, no pillow, and ...
Post by: beneruiz on Feb 5, 2018
Following a tonsillectomy, a nurse should provide the patient with:
  1. Ice chips, no pillow, and no straw for drinking.
   2. Ice chips and orange juice.
   3. A sippy cup and pudding.
   4. A pillow, red Gatorade, and a straw.

Title: Following a tonsillectomy, a nurse should provide the patient with: 1. Ice chips, no pillow, and ...
Post by: Lizmar266 on Feb 5, 2018
1. The patient should lie flat to help clotting occur, ice chips will provide hydration, and no straw should be given because this can cause the clots to break and increase bleeding.
2. Orange juice should not be used because the pulp may lodge into the surgical site.
3. A sippy cup can cause clots to break because of the sucking motion and pudding is too thick to swallow at this point.
4. A patient should lie flat to help with clotting, Gatorade should not be used because you cannot assess for blood because of the color, and a straw will cause the clots to break and increase bleeding.

Title: Following a tonsillectomy, a nurse should provide the patient with: 1. Ice chips, no pillow, and ...
Post by: beneruiz on Feb 5, 2018
Excellent response