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Biology-Related Homework Help Nursing and Clinical Topic started by: cgorski4 on Feb 5, 2018

Title: The pediatrician is doing a routine physical exam on a school-aged child and tells the parents that ...
Post by: cgorski4 on Feb 5, 2018
The pediatrician is doing a routine physical exam on a school-aged child and tells the parents that their child has an innocent heart murmur. The parents ask the nurse what this means. The best answer is:
  a. The mitral valve is not closing tightly and some blood is getting through when the heart is not contracting.
  b. If the child's heart is not overworked for the next few years, this problem will cure itself.
  c. This is a minor congenital anomaly and is nothing to worry about as it will cause no problems.
  d. This is the sound of blood normally flowing through the heart and is not associated with any heart problem.

Title: The pediatrician is doing a routine physical exam on a school-aged child and tells the parents that ...
Post by: Vianney3 on Feb 5, 2018

A Incorrect: Innocent heart murmurs are not associated with the mitral valve not closing tightly.
B Incorrect: It is not necessary to rest the heart for several years for the problem to cure itself.
C Incorrect: Innocent heart murmurs are not associated with congenital anomalies.
D Correct: An innocent heart murmur is created from the sound of the blood flowing through the heart and can be heard if the child's chest wall is thin. They are not clinically significant.

Title: The pediatrician is doing a routine physical exam on a school-aged child and tells the parents that ...
Post by: cgorski4 on Feb 5, 2018
Thank you for taking the time to explain this