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Other Fields Homework Help Communication Studies Topic started by: rutu0309 on Feb 7, 2018

Title: What lessons can be learned from the response of the American Red Cross to criticism received for ...
Post by: rutu0309 on Feb 7, 2018
What lessons can be learned from the response of the American Red Cross to criticism received for its response to Hurricane Katrina?
  What will be an ideal response?

Title: What lessons can be learned from the response of the American Red Cross to criticism received for ...
Post by: trm1986 on Feb 7, 2018
The key lesson was to take actions consistent with the organization's stated values. The Red Cross
had been accused of mismanagement, waste, and fraud. The Red Cross listened to its critics,
conducted internal research, acted on its findings, and communicated with key publics. It did all of
this transparently, consistent with the organization's values. The result was a stronger organization
and respect from its most vocal critic. Another lesson of this case - one from which all practitioners
(especially Carrie Martin) can learn - you can't rest on your laurels. You can be an award-winner on
one day and under fire the next.