Biology Forums - Study Force

Humanities Cinematography Topic started by: rizzy9 on Feb 7, 2018

Title: What are the qualities of effective dramatic action?
Post by: rizzy9 on Feb 7, 2018
What are the qualities of effective dramatic action?
  What will be an ideal response?

Title: What are the qualities of effective dramatic action?
Post by: LebronR03 on Feb 7, 2018

dramatic action is complete and self-contained.
Everything necessary in order to understand it is contained within or suggested in
the play.
It is deliberately shaped or organized.
The construction of the play reveals its purpose/goal and evokes from the audience
specific responses such pity, fear, laughter, and ridicule.
It has variety.
The play's story, characterization, idea, mood, and spectacle avoid monotony.
It engages and maintains interest.
The play's action needs to be fascinating enough to arouse theatregoers' curiosity
The characters need to be interesting enough to garner sympathy or antipathy from
the audience
The issues need to be pressing enough to provoke concern from attendees, or the
spectacle and sound novel enough to attract attention.
It is internally consistent.
Either the play's events are plausible in real life, or they should be consistent with
the way things work within the fictional world of the play.