Title: When the immunologist says that pathogens possess infectivity, what is the immunologist ex-plaining? ... Post by: WadeChl on Feb 12, 2018 When the immunologist says that pathogens possess infectivity, what is the immunologist ex-plaining? Infectivity allows pathogens to:
a. spread from one individual to others and cause disease. b. induce an immune response. c. invade and multiply in the host. d. damage tissue. Title: When the immunologist says that pathogens possess infectivity, what is the immunologist ex-plaining? ... Post by: chemistry9999 on Feb 12, 2018 ANS: C
Infectivity is the ability of the pathogen to invade and multiply in the host. Communication is the ability to spread from one individual to others and cause disease. Immunogenicity is the ability of pathogens to induce an immune response. Damaging tissues is the pathogen's mechanism of ac-tion. |