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Science-Related Homework Help Psychology Topic started by: Amunoz0512 on Feb 20, 2018

Title: Four students: Alice, Betty, Cindy, and Deb were talking. Alice said I want to see something for ...
Post by: Amunoz0512 on Feb 20, 2018
Four students: Alice, Betty, Cindy, and Deb were talking. Alice said I want to see something for myself before I believe it.. Betty said I know something is causing me to be so upset, even though I don't know for sure exactly what it is.. Cindy said I love science class because it's just like solving puzzles.. And Deb said  I like to read things in which every word counts. I like my reading material to be accurate, but as short as possible.. Which of the four students' statements reflects the scientific value of empiricism?
  a. Alice's c. Cindy's
  b. Betty's d. Deb's

Four students: Alice, Betty, Cindy, and Deb were talking. Alice said I want to see something for myself before I believe it.. Betty said I know something is causing me to be so upset, even though I don't know for sure exactly what it is.. Cindy said I love science class because it's just like solving puzzles.. And Deb said  I like to read things in which every word counts. I like my reading material to be accurate, but as short as possible.. Which of the four students' statements reflects the scientific value of curiosity?
  a. Alice's c. Cindy's
  b. Betty's d. Deb's

Little children often go through a phase when they incessantly ask Why.. These children might make good scientists some day because they demonstrate scientists' value of _____.
  a. empiricism c. curiosity
  b. determinism d. organization

Which of these is most likely to be an implicit value in the American culture?
  a. an appreciation of classical music
  b. belief in God
  c. crusading for gay rights
  d. sympathy for people who live in poverty

Psychologists who share the value of determinism may attribute the causes of a person's behaviors to _____.
  a. genetic predispositions
  b. a desire to gain a reward such as notoriety
  c. a personality trait such as greed
  d. any of these

Two psychologists were arguing about why a depressive student had attempted suicide. Dr. Behaviorist said Her attempt was designed to gain attention. She has a long history of doing things to get people to pay attention to her, each one more dramatic than the ones before it.. Dr. Analyst replied, She comes from a long line of depressives. I think she is genetically predisposed to suicidal thoughts and behaviors.. These psychologists were disagreeing about why the student had attempted suicide, but they both shared the value of _____ because they both believed that there was an underlying cause for the student's behavior.
  a. empiricism c. determinism
  b. curiosity d. organization

A person who says, That whole family is so talented musically. It must be in their genes.. could be called a genetic _____.
  a. determinist c. protagonist
  b. organizer d. antagonist

According to the author of your textbook, research designs are to statistics what _____.
  a. questions are to answers c. values are to theories
  b. causes are to effects d. scientists are to philosophers

Why do students learn to calculate statistics using calculators rather than computers, when professional psychologists usually use computers to calculate the same statistics?
  a. Most students do not have access to the computer programs that perform such calculations.
  b. Students usually cannot learn to interpret the results of statistical tests performed by computers while they are undergraduates.
  c. Students gain a better understanding of statistics through such calculations.
  d. Professional psychologists work with smaller data sets than students do.

The _____ is the most often used descriptive statistic in psychology.
  a. frequency distribution c. mode
  b. mean d. correlation

Title: Four students: Alice, Betty, Cindy, and Deb were talking. Alice said I want to see something for ...
Post by: etienner97 on Feb 20, 2018
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Title: Four students: Alice, Betty, Cindy, and Deb were talking. Alice said I want to see something for ...
Post by: Amunoz0512 on Feb 20, 2018
I know this sounds cliche, but I was thinking the same thing for each of these. Thanks for confirming :)