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Science-Related Homework Help Psychology Topic started by: SpacySmol on Feb 20, 2018

Title: The first version of the Stanford-Binet to include non-whites in the standardization sample was the ...
Post by: SpacySmol on Feb 20, 2018
The first version of the Stanford-Binet to include non-whites in the standardization sample was the
  a. 1937 scale.
  b. 1960 scale.
  c. 1972 scale.
  d. 1986 scale.

Which of the following is an important distinction between systematic errors and random errors?
  a. Random errors are more likely than systematic errors to cause errors in conclusions.
  b. Systematic errors occur only in objective measures and random errors occur only in subjective measures.
  c. Random errors can be eliminated by careful wording of test items.
  d. Systematic errors are extremely rare among psychological tests.

What was the most significant psychometric problem of the 1937 Stanford-Binet Scale?
  a. differential variability of IQ scores as a function of age
  b. narrower age range
  c. more problematic scoring standards and instructions
  d. poor predictive validity

What is Cronbach known for?
  a. Developing measures to evaluate sources of error
  b. Creating the basics of multivariate analysis
  c. Developed the basics of contemporary measurement theory
  d. Distinguished between objective and subjective measures

As used in the Stanford-Binet Scale, the deviation IQ is a standard score with a
  a. mean of 100 and standard deviation of 10.
  b. mean of 100 and standard deviation of 15.
  c. mean of 100 and standard deviation of 16.
  d. mean of 50 and standard deviation of 8.

We can get an idea of how much measurement error is present in a score through the
  a. true score.
  b. observed score.
  c. standard error of the mean.
  d. standard error of measurement.

The deviation IQ became necessary because
  a. standard deviations for IQ's were the same across age groups.
  b. IQ's at one age level did not compare to IQ's at another age level in terms of percentiles.
  c. the IQ was difficult to calculate.
  d. the IQ was a cumbersome concept.

If you have three clocks in your house, and every clock is 10 minutes fast, this is an example of
  a. systematic error.
  b. random error.
  c. measurement error.
  d. a rubber yardstick.

Poorest reliabilities of the 1937 Stanford-Binet Scale occurred for
  a. older children at low IQ levels.
  b. older children at high IQ levels.
  c. young children at low IQ levels.
  d. young children at high IQ levels.

Theoretically, if Susie repeatedly took the 6th grade achievement test, you would be able to find her true score by finding the ____ of the distribution of her scores.
  a. mean
  b. standard deviation
  c. variance
  d. standard error of measurement

Title: The first version of the Stanford-Binet to include non-whites in the standardization sample was the ...
Post by: backsoarflyte on Feb 20, 2018

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Title: The first version of the Stanford-Binet to include non-whites in the standardization sample was the ...
Post by: SpacySmol on Feb 20, 2018
Thank you very much