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Biology-Related Homework Help Anatomy and Physiology Topic started by: madisenjames on Feb 22, 2018

Title: Both anatomists and physiologists are aware that form and function are interrelated. (True or false?)
Post by: madisenjames on Feb 22, 2018
Both anatomists and physiologists are aware that form and function are interrelated.
  Indicate whether this statement is true or false.

(Question 2) The mechanism by which the body propels food through the digestive tract is primarily a topic of study for
  A. anatomists.B. physiologists.

(Question 3) Respiratory physiology is primarily the study of
  A. cell shape within the alveoli of the lungs.
  B. the branching pattern of the small airways of the lungs.
  C. the tissue composition of the airways, air sacs, and blood vessels.
  D. how gases are transferred between the lungs and the blood vessels supplying them.

(Question 4) The large surface area of the inside of the small intestine means that this structure is
  A. well adapted for its physiological role in absorption.B. derived from an embryological structure that served a different function.C. anatomically complex but physiologically simple.D. maladaptive in that it harbors bacteria.

(Question 5) Some researchers think pheromones are important tools in human communication. Pheromones are chemical signals that one individual sends to another.
  What research questions might be asked by anatomists, and what questions might be asked by physiologists, to determine if pheromones are important to humans?

(Question 6) Physiologists use chemistry to understand the workings of the body's organ systems.
  Indicate whether this statement is true or false.

(Question 7) The discipline that associates changes in organ system function with disease or injury is known as ____________.
  Fill in the blank with correct word.

(Question 8) The discipline that studies the functions of the nervous system, including the way that impulses are conducted, is known as __________.
  Fill in the blank with correct word.

(Question 9) Which is a physiological description rather than an anatomical one?
  A. The muscles of the intestinal wall contract slowly and involuntarily.
  B. The walls of blood capillaries are composed of a thin epithelium.
  C. The muscles of the thigh are composed of skeletal muscle tissue.
  D. There are fenestrations (openings) in the epithelial cells of capillary walls.E. The esophageal wall includes a middle layer of dense irregular connective tissue.

(Question 10) The scientific discipline that studies the functions of body structures is
  A. anatomy.B. physiology.C. astronomy.D. anthropology.E.

Title: Both anatomists and physiologists are aware that form and function are interrelated. (True or false?)
Post by: test1234 on Feb 22, 2018

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2) B

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3) D

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4) A

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5) Students might consider that anatomists would look for organs (and cellular machinery) to transmit pheromones and to receive them. Comparative anatomists might also look for structures in the brain that are homologous to pheromone processing areas in animals. Physiologists might study how pheromones are released, received, and processed. These studies could involve cellular and molecular approaches and would involve multiple organ systems (e.g., integumentary and nervous systems).

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7) pathophysiology

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8) neurophysiology

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9) A

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10) B

Title: Both anatomists and physiologists are aware that form and function are interrelated. (True or false?)
Post by: madisenjames on Feb 22, 2018
Thank you for answering correctly!