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Biology-Related Homework Help Medical Administration Topic started by: AnitaSmith on Feb 22, 2018

Title: A narrative clinic note is written in a(n) __________ format.
Post by: AnitaSmith on Feb 22, 2018
A narrative clinic note is written in a(n) __________ format.
 a. catalogue
  b. itemized
  c. list
  d. paragraph

(Q. 2) The outpatient code editor (OCE) is software that edits outpatient __________ by hospitals, community mental health centers, comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities, and home health agencies.
 a. claims submitted
  b. payments received
  c. records maintained
  d. treatments provided

(Q. 3) Local coverage determinations specify under which __________ a service is covered and coded correctly.
 a. clinical circumstances
  b. health care settings
  c. medical necessity
  d. service conditions

(Q. 4) CMS develops national coverage determinations on an ongoing basis, and __________ create(s) edits for NCD rules, which are local coverage determinations.
 a. BlueCross BlueShield
  b. Medicaid
  c. Medicare administrative contractors
  d. third-party payers

(Q. 5) The Medicare coverage database (MCD) is used by Medicare administrative contractors,
  providers, and other health care industry professionals to determine whether a procedure or service is __________ for the diagnosis or treatment of an illness or injury.
 a. billed at the appropriate level
  b. preauthorized by the contractor
  c. reasonable and necessary
  d. usual, customary, and reasonable

(Q. 6) Medical practices and health care facilities should routinely participate in an auditing process, which involves reviewing patient records and CMS-1500 or UB-04 claims to __________.
 a. assess coding accuracy and completeness of documentation
  b. calculate the amount of money that must be sent to the payer
  c. determine whether procedures and services were covered
  d. follow up on payer reimbursement of the submitted claims

(Q. 7) Which is a form required by Medicare for all outpatient and physician office procedures/services that are not covered by the Medicare program?
 a. advance beneficiary notice
  b. assignment of benefits
  c. fee-rendered schedule
  d. patient waiver form

(Q. 8) Where is the first-listed diagnosis reported on the CMS-1500 claim?
 a. Block 21A
  b. Block 24A
  c. Block 24D
  d. Block 24E

(Q. 9) The procedure or service provided is linked with the _________ that provided medical necessity for performing the procedure or service.
 a. diagnosis
  b. procedure
  c. service
  d. supply

(Q. 10) A provider often considers diagnoses that do not receive direct treatment during an encounter because they impact treatment of other conditions. It is appropriate to report codes for such diagnoses on the CMS-1500 claim because they have been __________.
 a. discounted by the payer
  b. included in coverage
  c. medically managed
  d. treated during the visit

Title: A narrative clinic note is written in a(n) __________ format.
Post by: Awura on Feb 22, 2018
1)  d

2)  a

3)  a

4)  c

5)  c

6)  a

7)  a

8)  a

9)  a

10)  c