Title: School District A School District B 1,000 students 2,000 students 35,000 per capita income 35,000 ... Post by: ferry_L on Feb 22, 2018 School District A School District B
1,000 students 2,000 students 35,000 per capita income 35,000 per capita income 4,000 residents 10,000 reidents 11. The per capita income to support each student in School District A is 40,000. (F) 12. The total income in School District A is 140,000,000 Indicate whether the statement is true or false. [Ques. 2] School District A School District B 1,000 students 2,000 students 35,000 per capita income 35,000 per capita income 4,000 residents 10,000 reidents he per capita income to support each student in School District A is 40,000. Indicate whether the statement is true or false. [Ques. 3] The per capita GDP (measured in U.S. dollars) in Luxembourg is more than 200 times greater than in Zimbabwe Indicate whether the statement is true or false. [Ques. 4] National capacity for education spending can be measured in similar terms to state capacity for education spending. Indicate whether the statement is true or false. [Ques. 5] State per capita spending on education is the same as the average state per pupil spending Indicate whether the statement is true or false. [Ques. 6] Using figures for per capita income as a measure of wealth needs to be adjusted for cost of living indices. Indicate whether the statement is true or false. [Ques. 7] In general, larger school districts reach a greater point of efficiency than very small school districts Indicate whether the statement is true or false. [Ques. 8] Some mixture of property values, income, and sales tax revenue (where sales tax exists) may be a better measure of wealth than just one variable Indicate whether the statement is true or false. [Ques. 9] If two school districts have the same level of wealth and the same student demographics, they have the same capacity to fund education Indicate whether the statement is true or false. [Ques. 10] Property value is the uncontested best choice to determine wealth. Indicate whether the statement is true or false. Title: School District A School District B 1,000 students 2,000 students 35,000 per capita income 35,000 ... Post by: Loay963 on Feb 22, 2018 Title: School District A School District B 1,000 students 2,000 students 35,000 per capita income 35,000 ... Post by: ferry_L on Feb 22, 2018 Bravo! This is awesome
Title: School District A School District B 1,000 students 2,000 students 35,000 per capita income 35,000 ... Post by: Loay963 on Feb 22, 2018 Glad my efforts were helpful