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Biology-Related Homework Help Environmental and Conservation Biology Topic started by: ebonyadams on Feb 24, 2018

Title: How does the Milankovitch theory explain intermediate-term climatic events like the Pleistocene ...
Post by: ebonyadams on Feb 24, 2018

How does the Milankovitch theory explain intermediate-term climatic events like the Pleistocene
  glaciation? According to Milankovitch, variations in what three parameters of Earth's orbit were
  responsible for the onset of Pleistocene glaciation? What will be an ideal response?

Q. 2 - Explain the origin of varves and their significance in the chronologies of glacial lake deposits. What will be an ideal response?

Q. 3 - What are kettles, and how do they form? What will be an ideal response?

Q. 4 -

What are the different types of moraines: end moraines, ground moraines, recessional moraines, lateral
  moraines, and medial moraines? What will be an ideal response?

Title: How does the Milankovitch theory explain intermediate-term climatic events like the Pleistocene ...
Post by: patarroyo23 on Feb 24, 2018
(Answer to question 1 )  

According to the Milankovitch theory, there is a 100,000-year cycle of eccentricity (departure from a
perfect circle) of Earth's orbit in three areas: the precession of equinoxes, changes in axial tilt, and
orbital eccentricity. This affects the amount of solar radiation coming in at different latitudes,
sometimes resulting in cooling.

(Answer to question 2 )  

Varves are laminated silts and clays that are deposited in glacial lakes and marine waters beneath
regions of fluctuating sea ice cover. The darker layers are deposited at the end of the summer season
when the summer's life dies and becomes incorporated in the accumulating sediment. The lighter- and
finer-grained layers are deposited during the winter when the water is still, lacking abundant life, and
receiving little sediment. Thus, each light and dark pair represents one year's accumulation.

(Answer to question 3 )  

Kettles are circular to oval depressions, sometimes containing small lakes, found on outwash plains,
valley trains, or end moraines. They form when a block of ice, left by a retreating glacier, is partly or
wholly buried, and then melts, leaving a depression.

(Answer to question 4 )  

Moraines are landforms composed of till. End moraines are deposited by a glacier that has been in one
position for some years. It is all the till that accumulates at the glacier's terminus at the time of its
farthest advance. Ground moraines are the till that is left on the ground as the ice front recedes.
Recessional moraines are like end moraines, but they are from locations where the ice stabilized for a
time back from its farthest advance location. Lateral moraines form along the margin of a glacier.
Medial moraines develop by the coalescence of two lateral moraines when two glaciers merge