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Humanities Language Studies Topic started by: Colomboy87 on Feb 25, 2018

Title: My paper may not be written very good, but his paper is even worst. In the following sentences, ...
Post by: Colomboy87 on Feb 25, 2018
My paper may not be written very good, but his paper is even worst.
  In the following sentences, correct any errors in the use of adjectives and adverbs (or
  in the use of then and than) by crossing out any incorrect words and writing the
  correct words above them.

Ques. 2

We arrived real late for the bridal shower, but we were even more later for the
  In the following sentences, correct any errors in the use of adjectives and adverbs (or
  in the use of then and than) by crossing out any incorrect words and writing the
  correct words above them.

Ques. 3

Irving drives a more expensive car then Seymour, but Seymour is the happiest
  of the two.
  In the following sentences, correct any errors in the use of adjectives and adverbs (or
  in the use of then and than) by crossing out any incorrect words and writing the
  correct words above them.

Ques. 4

The irresponsible pilot often flew into Denver, Colorado.
  In the following sentences, identify all adjectives by writing Adj above them, and
  identify all adverbs by writing Adv above them.

Ques. 5

When the limousine finally stopped, we stared at the enormous building.
  In the following sentences, identify all adjectives by writing Adj above them, and
  identify all adverbs by writing Adv above them.

Title: My paper may not be written very good, but his paper is even worst. In the following sentences, ...
Post by: Loay963 on Feb 25, 2018
(Answer to Q. 1)  My paper may not be written very well, but his paper is even worse.

(Answer to Q. 2)  We arrived really late for the bridal shower, but we were even later for the wedding.

(Answer to Q. 3)  Irving drives a more expensive car than Seymour, but Seymour is the happier of the

(Answer to Q. 4)  Adj. irresponsible; Adv. often

(Answer to Q. 5)  Adj. enormous; Adv. finally

Title: My paper may not be written very good, but his paper is even worst. In the following sentences, ...
Post by: Colomboy87 on Feb 25, 2018
This calls for a celebration :raised_hands:

Title: My paper may not be written very good, but his paper is even worst. In the following sentences, ...
Post by: Loay963 on Feb 25, 2018
I get paid? lol

My pleasure