Title: The major difference between borderline state disorders and the psychoses is that the: Post by: Kayla1 on Feb 26, 2018 The major difference between borderline state disorders and the psychoses is that the:
a. people suffering from borderline states are able to cover the defects in the self by using complex defense mechanisms b. people suffering from psychoses are able to cover the defects in the self by using defense mechanisms c. people suffering from borderline states have no defenses d. people suffering from borderline states are also fixated at the genital stage Question 2 Kohut thinks that people in are especially prone to severe crisis. a. late middle age b. adolescence c. young adulthood d. preadolescence Question 3 Kohut contends that healthy development is: a. achieved once-and-for-all during the oral stage b. achieved once-and-for-all during the phallic stage c. achieved once-and-for-all during the genital stage d. not achieved once-and-for-all at a particular time in the life-span. Question 4 In Kohut's view, successful resolution of the Oedipal conflict occurs when the child: a. is making progress toward the establishment of a firm nuclear self b. already possesses a firm nuclear self c. relies on his grandiose self to win the affections of the mother d. relies on his exhibitionistic self to avoid all contact with the father Question 5 The nuclear self is the result of efforts to recognize and come to grips with the limitations of two poles of the self, the: a. grandiose self and the autonomous self b. autonomous self and the primary self c. grandiose self and the idealizing self d. idealizing self and the secondary narcissistic self Title: The major difference between borderline state disorders and the psychoses is that the: Post by: Katala169 on Feb 26, 2018 Title: The major difference between borderline state disorders and the psychoses is that the: Post by: Kayla1 on Feb 26, 2018 I appreciate this
Title: The major difference between borderline state disorders and the psychoses is that the: Post by: Katala169 on Feb 26, 2018 :)