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Science-Related Homework Help Psychology Topic started by: brehndandouglas on Feb 26, 2018

Title: One study of the self-schema presented students with 40 questions for which they pressed yes or no. ...
Post by: brehndandouglas on Feb 26, 2018
One study of the self-schema presented students with 40 questions for which they pressed yes or no. Researchers found that participants were more likely to remember the information when
  A. the words had the ability to generate emotions.
  B. participants were asked about a rhyme.
  C. a self-referent question was difficult to answer.
  D. the question was processed about the participants themselves.

Question 2

Participants in one study were asked to respond with a yes or no to questions on a series of words. When later asked to recall as many of the words as possible, participants recalled words best when they had been asked,
  A. Is the word printed in big letters?
  B. Does it rhyme with another word?
  C. Does it mean the same as another word?
  D. Does it describe you?

Question 3

In addition to allowing for rapid processing of schema-relevant information, self-schemas provide a framework for
  A. organizing relevant information.
  B. self-understanding.
  C. processing unconscious feelings.
  D. recalling life events.

Question 4

Your self-schema consists of those aspects of your behavior that are
  A. innate.
  B. most important to you.
  C. similar to your parents.
  D. unique to you alone.

Question 5

Participants in one study were divided into those with and without a well developed independence schema. Later, participants were asked about their own level of independence. Compared to aschematics, participants with a strong independence schema
  A. took longer to answer because they had more information to process.
  B. took longer to answer because it was more important to them to give a correct answer.
  C. took less time to answer.
  D. took the same amount of time to answer, but were more confident of their answers.

Question 6

Self-schemas help us to do all of the following except one. Which one?
  A. process self-relevant information
  B. organize information
  C. describe oneself
  D. avoid stereotyping

Title: One study of the self-schema presented students with 40 questions for which they pressed yes or no. ...
Post by: Ludeactionz on Feb 26, 2018
Content hidden

Title: One study of the self-schema presented students with 40 questions for which they pressed yes or no. ...
Post by: brehndandouglas on Feb 26, 2018
So that's it? I get an expert answer then we move on with our lives? Not too bad :D

Title: One study of the self-schema presented students with 40 questions for which they pressed yes or no. ...
Post by: Ludeactionz on Feb 26, 2018
we do it for the love of comments