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Science-Related Homework Help Psychology Topic started by: jc123 on Feb 26, 2018

Title: Cross-cultural studies find similar patterns of what men and women look for in their spouses across ...
Post by: jc123 on Feb 26, 2018
Cross-cultural studies find similar patterns of what men and women look for in their spouses across many different cultures. These findings support evolutionary personality theory because they suggest that mate preferences do not merely reflect differences in
  A. social learning patterns.
  B. the genetic makeup of different cultures.
  C. inherited human characteristics.
  D. economic opportunities in different cultures.

Question 2

The lipstick effect refers to
  A. the application of more lipstick at different times during the ovulatory cycle.
  B. how cosmetic marketing often heightens insecurity about one's appearance.
  C. the tendency for women to spend more money on cosmetics during bad economic times.
  D. men who pay more attention to superficial beauty.

Question 3

According to evolutionary personality theory, men and women base their choice of romantic partners in part on concerns for parental investment. This means we
  A. want the parents of our spouses to be involved in the raising of our children.
  B. select mates who are likely to contribute to successful reproduction and child-raising.
  C. consider what the parents of our potential partners are like because personality is partly inherited from one's parents.
  D. prefer partners for whom both parents were actively involved with their children.

Question 4

According to evolutionary personality theory, men prefer physically attractive women because
  A. the attributes we call beautiful are associated with youth and fertility.
  B. physically attractive women tend to be in better health.
  C. physically attractive women tend to be stronger and thus better able to survive.
  D. they want physically attractive offspring.

Question 5

Which of the following is true about parental investment?
  A. Males are more selective about with whom they choose to mate than females.
  B. Males of many species are free to mate with as many females as they can.
  C. Investment in selecting a mate is larger for males than for females.
  D. Males select mates who are more likely to be good parents.

Question 6

A researcher reports that men in this country tend to marry younger women and women tend to marry older men. This finding might be used to support which theory?
  A. Eysenck's theory of personality
  B. The five-factor model
  C. The goodness of fit model
  D. Evolutionary personality theory

Title: Cross-cultural studies find similar patterns of what men and women look for in their spouses across ...
Post by: elhelww on Feb 26, 2018
(Answer to Q. 1)  A

(Answer to Q. 2)  C

(Answer to Q. 3)  B

(Answer to Q. 4)  A

(Answer to Q. 5)  B

(Answer to Q. 6)  D

Title: Cross-cultural studies find similar patterns of what men and women look for in their spouses across ...
Post by: jc123 on Feb 26, 2018
:white_check_mark: Will marking this solved...