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Science-Related Homework Help Developmental Psychology Topic started by: jmountain on Feb 26, 2018

Title: Critics of the trait approach have argued that there is
Post by: jmountain on Feb 26, 2018
Critics of the trait approach have argued that there is
  A. little consistency of behavior across situations.
  B. no valid prediction of behavior from test scores.
  C. too much reliance on situational factors rather than the traits themselves.
  D. all of the above

Question 2

Critics of the trait approach to personality have raised each of the following points except one. Which one?
  A. Personality researchers do not measure behaviors correctly.
  B. There is little evidence for cross situational consistency.
  C. Psychologists place too much emphasis on personality test scores when making psychological diagnoses.
  D. Trait measures do not predict behavior well.

Question 3

According to the person by situation approach,
  A. personality is more important than the situation in determining behavior.
  B. there is little evidence for cross-situational consistency.
  C. behavior is determined by an interaction of personality and the situation.
  D. personality researchers need to measure behavior in more than one way.

Question 4

Which of the following statements is true about research on the Big Five?
  A. There are very few findings support general trends in Big Five scores over the lifespan.
  B. Different findings may reflect differences in how broadly investigators conceive the personality structure.
  C. All studies using factor analysis include the same kind of data.
  D. Controversy surrounds the inconsistent findings for the Big Five over different populations.

Question 5

Compared to most of us, individuals who score high on Openness are more likely to
  A. tell a stranger all about themselves.
  B. change their self-concept.
  C. make friends easily.
  D. consider new ideas.

Title: Critics of the trait approach have argued that there is
Post by: loco123 on Feb 26, 2018
(Answer to Q. 1)  A

(Answer to Q. 2)  A

(Answer to Q. 3)  C

(Answer to Q. 4)  B

(Answer to Q. 5)  D