Title: What are right to know laws? Post by: aharden0629 on Feb 27, 2018 What are right to know laws?
A) The right to know of hazardous conditions at the work place. B) The right to know of employers previous OSHA claims. C) The right to inspect another employees work environment for hazards. D) The right to know of OSHA laws. Q. #2 Which of the following is a right of the Occupational Safety Act? A) The right to inspect B) The right to cure C) The right to investigate D) The right to remain silent Q. #3 Paralegals may potentially work with attorneys, legislators, courts, and others concerned with relationships between hetero or same-sex partners. Indicate whether the statement is true or false Q. #4 The initials NCRA stand for: a. National Court Reporter's Agency b. National Court Reporter's Association c. National Court Reporters Association d. National Certified Reporters Association Q. #5 Which type of reporter makes the most money? a. the one who works fourteen hours a day b. the one who is competent and produces an accurate record in a reasonable time c. the one who produces the quickest transcript, regardless of accuracy d. the one who works the hardest Title: What are right to know laws? Post by: Candy71444 on Feb 27, 2018 Content hidden
Title: What are right to know laws? Post by: aharden0629 on Feb 27, 2018 Love when things are free, so much better than CourseHero
Title: What are right to know laws? Post by: Candy71444 on Feb 27, 2018 tell your friends and feel free to ask more questions