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Biology-Related Homework Help Cell Biology Topic started by: arealhero on Nov 22, 2014

Title: Bacteria that house nonlytic bacteriophage are called _______ bacteria.
Post by: arealhero on Nov 22, 2014
Bacteria that house nonlytic bacteriophage are called _______ bacteria.

Title: Re: Bacteria that house nonlytic bacteriophage are called _______ bacteria.
Post by: milestone23 on Nov 25, 2014
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Title: Re: Bacteria that house nonlytic bacteriophage are called _______ bacteria.
Post by: arealhero on Nov 27, 2014
This is perfect, thank you for the answer.

Title: Re: Bacteria that house nonlytic bacteriophage are called _______ bacteria.
Post by: milestone23 on Nov 27, 2014