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Biology-Related Homework Help Medicine Topic started by: mac on Feb 28, 2018

Title: Thyromegaly is also known as ________.
Post by: mac on Feb 28, 2018
Thyromegaly is also known as ________.
  A) goiter
  B) dwarfism
  C) virilism
  D) precocious puberty


Balanitis is an inflammation and infection of the ________.
  A) testis
  B) glans penis
  C) scrotum
  D) prostate gland


In the medical word sphygmomanometer, the combining form man/o- means frenzy; ________.
  Fill in the blank(s) with correct word


Sudden worsening in severity of symptoms or signs.
  A) subacute
  B) remission
  C) exacerbation
  D) sequela


The process by which cells that were once mature and differentiated become undifferentiated and immature in appearance and behavior is known as ________.
  A) angiogenesis
  B) encapsulated
  C) apoptosis
  D) anaplasia


The ears are the organs of audition, or hearing.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false


Which most accurately describes the path that sound travels?
  A) external ear, tympanic membrane, external auditory canal, middle ear, inner ear
  B) tympanic membrane, external ear, external auditory canal, middle ear, inner ear
  C) external auditory canal, external ear, tympanic membrane, middle ear, inner ear
  D) external ear, external auditory canal, tympanic membrane, middle ear, inner ear


A patient who has ________ has an infection or inflammation of their appendix.
  Fill in the blank(s) with correct word


The posterior or dorsal nerve roots of the spinal cord are categorized as what type of nerves?
  A) afferent nerves
  B) ventral nerves
  C) efferent nerves
  D) cranial nerves


A category of disease caused by progressive destruction of cells due to disease or the aging process.
  A) idiopathic
  B) iatrogenic
  C) degenerative
  D) environmental


Otoscopy is a procedure that evaluates tympanic membrane elasticity by measuring its movement.
  Indicate whether the statement is true or false


Stimulation of the testes in preparation to begin producing spermatozoa is the function of hormones from the ________.
  A) thyroid gland
  B) bulbourethral glands
  C) pituitary gland
  D) prepuce

Title: Thyromegaly is also known as ________.
Post by: tristankk on Feb 28, 2018
[Answer to ques. #1]  A
Explanation: A) Correct Goiter is a chronic enlargement (-megaly) of the thyroid gland.
B) Dwarfism is not related to the thyroid gland or thyromegaly.
C) Virilism is related to the adrenal cortex, not thyromegaly.
D) Precocious puberty is not related to the thyroid gland or thyromegaly.

[Answer to ques. #2]  B
Explanation: A) Balan/o- means glans penis, not testis.
B) Correct Balan/o- means glans penis and -itis means inflammation of.
C) Balan/o- means glans penis, not scrotum.
D) Balan/o- means glans penis, not prostate gland.

[Answer to ques. #3]  thin

[Answer to ques. #4]  C
Explanation: A) Subacute does not involve a sudden worsening.
B) Remission does not involve a sudden worsening.
C) Correct
D) A sequela is not always related to a sudden worsening.

[Answer to ques. #5]  D
Explanation: A) Angiogenesis has nothing to do with differentiation.
B) Encapsulated describes a benign tumor, not a process.
C) Apoptosis is programmed cell death, not differentiation.
D) Correct

[Answer to ques. #6]  TRUE

[Answer to ques. #7]  D
Explanation: A) The tympanic membrane does not come before the external auditory canal.
B) The tympanic membrane does not come before the external ear.
C) The external auditory canal does not come before the external ear.
D) Correct

[Answer to ques. #8]  appendicitis

[Answer to ques. #9]  A
Explanation: A) Correct They are afferent nerves because they carry nerve impulses toward the spinal cord.
B) Ventral pertains to the abdominal surface, not the posterior surface.
C) They are not efferent nerves.
D) They are spinal nerves, not cranial nerves.

[Answer to ques. #10]  C
Explanation: A) Idiopathic disease does not have an identified cause.
B) Iatrogenic disease is caused by the physician or treatment.
C) Correct
D) Environmental disease is caused by something in the environment.

[Answer to ques. #11]  FALSE

[Answer to ques. #12]  C
Explanation: A) Thyroid gland hormones do not stimulate the testes.
B) The bulbourethral glands do not secrete hormones.
C) Correct The pituitary gland secretes follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) to stimulate the testes to produce spermatozoa.
D) The prepuce or foreskin does not secrete hormones.

Title: Thyromegaly is also known as ________.
Post by: mac on Feb 28, 2018
What an awesome place to get free homework help

Title: Thyromegaly is also known as ________.
Post by: tristankk on Feb 28, 2018
What makes it awesome is that you posted, thanks for trusting us