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Biology-Related Homework Help Nursing and Clinical Topic started by: nano on Mar 1, 2018

Title: Which physical assessment technique would be used to identify wheezing? 1) Inspection 2) ...
Post by: nano on Mar 1, 2018
Which physical assessment technique would be used to identify wheezing?
  1) Inspection
  2) Palpation
  3) Percussion
  4) Auscultation

Question 2

Which physical assessment technique would be used to determine the AP:lateral ratio?
  1) Inspection
  2) Palpation
  3) Percussion
  4) Auscultation

Question 3

Which physical assessment technique would be used to identify tactile fremitus?
  1) Inspection
  2) Palpation
  3) Percussion
  4) Auscultation

Question 4

The patient develops a pleural effusion, so a chest tube is inserted. The nurse detects crepitus at the insertion site. Which conclusion by the nurse is most appropriate?
  1) Consolidation of the lung tissue
  2) Pleural thickening
  3) Air leakage into subcutaneous tissue
  4) Obstructed airway

Question 5

Which type of breath sound would the nurse expect to auscultate over most of the lung fields in a healthy patient?
  1) Bronchial
  2) Tracheal
  3) Vesicular
  4) Bronchovesicular

Question 6

The nurse is assessing a patient who is admitted with the diagnosis of pleuritis. Auscultation of the patient's thorax reveals a pleural friction rub. How can the nurse differentiate this sound from other abnormal breath sounds?
  1) Rubs occur during inspiration and clear with coughing.
  2) Rubs occur during expiration and produce a light popping sound.
  3) Rubs occur during inspiration and may be heard anywhere.
  4) Rubs occur during inspiration and expiration and are unaffected by coughing.

Title: Which physical assessment technique would be used to identify wheezing? 1) Inspection 2) ...
Post by: jfurs03 on Mar 1, 2018
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Title: Which physical assessment technique would be used to identify wheezing? 1) Inspection 2) ...
Post by: nano on Mar 1, 2018
Appreciate this a lot, answers were right.