Title: John informs a POPAI interviewer that he intends to purchase a box of Kellogg's Raisin Bran, but in ... Post by: romankn on Mar 1, 2018 John informs a POPAI interviewer that he intends to purchase a box of Kellogg's Raisin Bran, but in fact he does not buy any cereal. This case would be classified in the Consumer Buying Habit Study as a(n) _____.
a. specifically planned purchase b. generally planned purchase c. substitute purchase d. unplanned purchase e. aborted purchase Question 2 The Standardized Advertising Unit (SAU) system makes it possible for advertisers to purchase any one of _____ standard ad sizes to fit the advertising publishing parameters of all newspapers in the United States. a. 10 b. 28 c. 56 d. 74 e. 100 Question 3 Audrey went into Dayton's to buy a moisturizer manufactured by Clinique. She ended up buying a moisturizer manufactured by Lancome instead. This is an example of a(n) _____ purchase. a. specifically planned b. generally planned c. unplanned d. substitute e. discipline Question 4 In the past, which of the following was a problem when purchasing space from newspapers in many cities? a. Page size and column space varied. b. Publication dates were difficult to coordinate. c. Each newspaper required a unique ad. d. Few newspapers printed in color. e. Newspapers did not have enough readers to make advertising worthwhile. Question 5 Edna went to the store to buy beer, but she had no specific brand in mind. This is an example of a(n) ____ purchase. a. specifically planned b. generally planned c. substitute d. unplanned e. disciplined Question 6 Selecting the best medium depends on the _____. a. budget availability b. competitive challenge c. creative needs d. advertiser's objectives e. All of these are correct. Question 7 Judy tells a POPAI interviewer that she intends to purchase DelMonte spinach, and in fact she does purchase this item. This case would be classified in the Consumer Buying Habits Study as a(n) _____. a. specifically planned purchase b. generally planned purchase c. substitute purchase d. unplanned purchase e. rational purchase Title: John informs a POPAI interviewer that he intends to purchase a box of Kellogg's Raisin Bran, but in ... Post by: frizzygirl on Mar 1, 2018 c c d a b e a Title: John informs a POPAI interviewer that he intends to purchase a box of Kellogg's Raisin Bran, but in ... Post by: romankn on Mar 1, 2018 I can't even begin to explain how much your help meant to me!
Title: John informs a POPAI interviewer that he intends to purchase a box of Kellogg's Raisin Bran, but in ... Post by: frizzygirl on Mar 1, 2018 Happy to hear that, good luck with the rest of them