Title: You are the creative director at a Milwaukee ad agency. Today, your copywriters are presenting you ... Post by: kkhh on Mar 1, 2018 You are the creative director at a Milwaukee ad agency. Today, your copywriters are presenting you with their ideas for several thirty-second radio spots for the City of Milwaukee Tourism Bureau. The Bureau wants to feature its own information center and tours, city museums, art galleries, concerts, festivals, and special events. When they are ready, the best ideas will be taken to the marketing director, of the City of Milwaukee, for review and approval. Last week, you met with your copywriters and reminded them of the various options they had in writing for radio. What are the four basic formats available to them in creating a radio ad?
a. Announcement, testimonial, reason-why, and hard-sell formats b. Sound effect, jingle, slogan, and disc jockey formats c. Music, dialogue, announcement, and celebrity formats d. Information, entertainment, persuasion, and testimonial formats Question 2 Advertisers and their agencies rely primarily on external facilitators for: a. consumer research. b. media buying. c. assessing the effectiveness of promotional programs. d. production processes. Question 3 Why is an effective communication system so important for a franchise? a. an effective communication system helps the franchise look organized. b. an effective communication system helps attract more franchisees. c. an effective communication system will affect the franchise's success and foster continued growth and development of the franchise. d. an effective communication system will affect the franchise's success, foster continued growth and development of the franchise, and ensure effective superior-subordinate relationships. Question 4 In the quest for customer loyalty, service organizations should not consider the costs to serve a loyal customer. Indicate whether the statement is true or false Question 5 You are the creative director at a Milwaukee ad agency. Today, your copywriters are presenting you with their ideas for several thirty-second radio spots for the City of Milwaukee Tourism Bureau. The Bureau wants to feature its own information center and tours, city museums, art galleries, concerts, festivals, and special events. When they are ready, the best ideas will be taken to the marketing director, of the City of Milwaukee, for review and approval. Before the copywriters present, you want to familiarize yourself with the details of the campaign once again. You review a copy of the creative brief because you know it: a. contains the best ideas used by competitors of the client. b. is the channel that will carry the ad campaign's message to the public. c. represents the unique thought behind the ad campaign. d. lists the rules, restrictions, and limitations for the ad campaign as dictated by the client. Question 6 A helps firms identify and manage information that allow for the development of integrated marketing communications programs. a. media organization b. sales agency c. database consultant d. trade reseller Question 7 What is the greatest support for a franchisee? a. a good training manual b. lots of start-up capital c. the opportunity for success d. frequent contact with field representatives Question 8 Service organizations that use customer relationship management (CRM) systems recognize the importance of attracting and retaining profitable customers for the long-term. Indicate whether the statement is true or false Question 9 After a series of public relations setbacks, Japanese automaker Toyota unveiled a new company slogan in 2010 . The slogan read, Drive a Toyota. You'll never stop. The company hopes the new slogan can once again instill confidence into a number of consumers who grew weary of the brand after a number of massive recalls in recent years. The company chose to go with the slogan after turning down a number of others, including, Toyota Puts the Pedal to the Metal. And keeps it there, and Toyota. The Last Car You'll Ever Drive. The new slogan will be featured in all of the company's future advertisements. The account executive for a campaign such as this is adamant that the copy be tested before he even submits it to the client. He is looking for audience reaction and interpretation of the proposed copy known as _____ copy research. a. illustrative b. developmental c. continual d. evaluative Title: You are the creative director at a Milwaukee ad agency. Today, your copywriters are presenting you ... Post by: kkstudymore on Mar 1, 2018 Content hidden