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Science-Related Homework Help Statistics and Probability Topic started by: bvillan1 on Mar 3, 2018

Title: For a short mid-term survey of his students, a Graduate Student Instructor has put four questions on ...
Post by: bvillan1 on Mar 3, 2018
For a short mid-term survey of his students, a Graduate Student Instructor has put four questions on a piece of paper. He is planning to hand these out this afternoon. The last two questions are: (1) What grade do you think you are getting in the course? and (2) What grade would you give the instructor so far? Both questions can be answered with A, B, C, D, or F. What is a potential problem with these questions?

Q. 2

The biggest problem with open questions is that the results can be difficult to summarize. If closed-form questions are preferred, explain how a pilot survey might be used to better formulate the closed-form questions.

Q. 3

Explain the difference between an open question and a closed question.

Q. 4

The following statement that was provided as part of the fine print at the end of the reported results of a survey: In addition to sampling error, question wording in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of public opinion polls.. What is the type of bias being referred to here?

Q. 5

Reword the following survey question so that it is less confusing. Do you disagree with the policy of not allowing first year students parking permits on campus?

Q. 6

Two polls were conducted to determine how much support there was for public funding of private schools. However, the results from the two polls were contradictory. One poll asked whether students should attend private school at public expense. The other poll asked How much do you support providing parents with the option of sending their children to the school of their choice  either public, private or parochial  rather than only to the school to which they are assigned? Explain why the wording of the questions may have affected the results.

Title: For a short mid-term survey of his students, a Graduate Student Instructor has put four questions on ...
Post by: kraks on Mar 3, 2018
Answer to #1

The order of the questions could influence the answers of the students. Students who are not doing well in the course may be affected by that thought and give the instructor a bad grade, even though he is doing well.

Answer to #2

The closed-form questions should first be presented as open questions in a pilot survey to a test sample before the real survey is conducted. Then the most common responses to the open questions can be included in the list of choices for the closed questions in the actual survey.

Answer to #3

An open question is one in which respondents are allowed to answer in their own words; a closed question is one in which respondents are given a list of alternatives from which to choose their answer.

Answer to #4

This type of bias is response bias.

Answer to #5

Do you support the policy that first-year students are not allowed to buy a parking permit on campus?

Answer to #6

The poll with the question public expense emphasized the public cost of the program, which may have encouraged a negative response, while the other poll emphasized the freedom of parents to choose the school for their children, which may have encouraged a positive response.

Title: For a short mid-term survey of his students, a Graduate Student Instructor has put four questions on ...
Post by: bvillan1 on Mar 3, 2018
I wish all teachers could be as helpful as you instead of making us do things the complicated way...

Title: For a short mid-term survey of his students, a Graduate Student Instructor has put four questions on ...
Post by: kraks on Mar 3, 2018
It really depends on the course, never give up