Title: Broccoli, spinach, and green beans are low in all of the following except Post by: hbuedu on Mar 4, 2018 Broccoli, spinach, and green beans are low in all of the following except
a. kcalories. b. cholesterol. c. sodium. d. fat. e. fiber. Q. 2 When hydrogens from acids replace the magnesium in _____ pigments, this results in a compound known as pheophytin. a. carotenoid b. chlorophyll c. anthocyanin d. anthoxanthin e. betalain Q. 3 If a nonstainless metal knife is used to cut red cabbage, the _____ pigment will react with the metal ions in iron, tin, or aluminum and create off-colors. a. flavonoid b. anthocyanin c. anthoxanathin d. betalain Q. 4 In older plants, the _____ color is degraded, causing underlying pigments to show. a. carotenoid b. chlorophyll c. flavonoid d. all of the above Q. 5 Although the interior color of pineapple and banana skin comes from a mixture of pigments, the one that predominates is a. lycopene. b. carotene. c. xanthophyll. d. none of the above answers is correct Q. 6 Vegetables containing _____ should not be overheated because these pigments can be converted to vitamin _____ and their destruction would be undesirable. a. betalains; D b. carotenoids; A c. chlorophylls; E d. anthocyanins; K e. anthoxanthins; E Title: Broccoli, spinach, and green beans are low in all of the following except Post by: dlsmith88 on Mar 4, 2018 Content hidden